Chapter 27: Destiny at the Door Part 2: The Oppurtunity of A Lifetime

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Maverick, Cash, and Nathan all stared at the man from the homes stairway. Who was he? Where had he come from? What did he want? And finally, how did he already know Maverick's name?
The man approached the boys as he held out his hand, "hello, my name is Mr. Stephan Allwright" he said as he shook Maverick's hand, his grasped extremely firm, just like a businessman's.

"I am the Dean at CIM, the California Institute of Music." Mr, Allwright then reached into his pocket, and pulled out a card. It was a contact card with his information, he really was a dean at this music school.

Maverick raised his eyebrow, what exactly did this guy want?

"That's cool and all, but why exactly are you here at my home?" Mr. Allwright chuckled slightly,

"ah right, you see for the past few weeks now as I've walked the streets and hallways of my campus I've heard several of my students listening to a rather interesting track. So one day I asked them what it was, and it turned to be a song apparently written by you. They said they had downloaded it off you iTunes account, and clearly the song was very popular."

Cash and Nathan stared at each other, was this true. Was Maverick's song really that popular already, that was awesome, this is exactly what Maverick would wanted, and exactly what Cash had in mind when he uploaded it.

Maverick was in shock, "Are... are you serious?" He asked. "Yes I'm quite serious, in fact after having the chat with that student I went and downloaded as well as listened to your song myself. I must say you really got some talent young man."

Maverick was so excited. His song, even though it had been released without him knowing, truly was hit.

"Thank-You sir. However that still doesn't explain why your here." Mr. Allwright looked over at the boys parents, who had a mixed reaction look, one of both happiness and nervousness.

"Well you see, I did a little research on you I must admit, and it just so happened that I had plans to come to this town this week for an event, so I decided to stop by."

"But why?" Maverick asked.

"Well, you see, I've already talked a little with your parents here, and after seeing and thinking about what kind of potential you could have in the field of music, I here by want to offer you a full scholarship to attend my Institution."

Maverick about passed out. Was this really happening, his song was so cool, that now a prestigious dean of a music institution was offering him a scholarship to attend. This could be huge, this could help his dream of being a real musician take off.

"Oh my God, that's amazing. Thank-You so much, but I just have some questions. When would I even start?"

Mr. Allwright paused, "well, if you truly wanted too you could start this year for our summer quarter, which starts at the end of June."

Maverick paused. The end of June, that was so close. It was March now, that was only 4 months. He would barely have graduated, and he would be packing up his life and going off to California. What would his parents say, and what about Cash."

The boy's parents could see he was overthinking so much in this moment that they decided to step in,

"Well thank-you Mr. Allwright. This truly would such an amazing opportunity for Maverick, but this is still such a big decision that we'll need to discuss. Perhaps you could give us a few days then call you with our answer?" Tara said.

Mr. Allwright nodded. He knew this was a lot to spring on him so quickly. "Oh course, my numbers right there on the card. Take as many days as you want to decide then just call me when your ready to give me your answer. Good-Day everyone."

With that Mr. Allwright walked out the Bakers house leaving all 5 of them in a state of silence. Tara and Rick held there son, worried he may faint from nervousness.

Then silence was then finally broken when Maverick said only one word,


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