Chapter 5-

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I wake up with the feeling of someone's hand gently resting on my arm, I try not to groan or move too much, I open my eyes slowly and see a blurry figure sat beside me. My vision begins to come clear when i see her, Aileen sitting there with a warm gentle smile on her face.

"Good morning Freya" She says to me with a smile

"morning" I reply to her with a smile being warm to her.

"Everyone is heading to the kitchen for breakfast i thought you might want to join us" She tells me as she takes her hand off my arm.

"Yeah thank you" I accept the offer and look up to her wondering how i ever lost the connection i once had with her. The connection where i felt i could tell her anything and in this moment it's like i can feel it all creeping up on me again, the love and support.

Aileen looks down at me and her hand gently brushes my hair off of my face and off to the side.

"You always were a beautiful child, even when you were younger" She informs me looking at me as if she is proud of how far i have come.

"You're meant to say that we're practically family"I joke to her, well it's true growing up she was like an aunt to me and now she will be my mother in law. You could say i've gotten lucky on the mother in law part because this woman has a heart of gold and she will always love you no matter what you do.

"I suppose i am but i really mean it Freya. I'm just sorry we lost touch over the years" She says to me with the look of regret on her face

"So am i, I lost myself along the way and lost interest in everything that i loved when i was young" I say to her as i sit up on my bed and look her straight in the eyes.

"Thank you for doing this for me and my son. I know it must have been a hard decision for you to give up a part of your life like that" She thanks me and i can see how much she really means it.

"It wasn't hard at all" I shake my head at her with a small smile on my face

"We best get going, don't bother getting changed" She replies as she stands up off the bed.

I nod my head at her and pull the covers off me, i dangle my legs at the end of the bed and she waits for me at the door. I slide my feet into my fluffy blue slipper and attempt to make my bed head less unappealing. I walk over to her and shrug my shoulder making it obvious i'm not bothered about how i'm looking and i'm guessing no one else will be either for 2 reasons. 1 they will all be hang over with the amount they all drank last night and 2 everyone is in their pyjamas and that is when you really see someone at their worst. First thing in the morning when the hair is a tangled mess, you have drool marks on your face, black bags under your eyes and you just look awful. Maybe this is why they are doing it so we can all see each other as we really are, our true selves without any walls up. I followed my future mother in law through the house and to the kitchen where i see my mother's head looking down at the table with a glass of water in her hand, Gordon is at the oven cooking god knows what and Cameron and Laine are both beside each other, Camerons too busy on his phone not paying attention around him why am i not surprised and his brother Laine has his head in his hands he must be feeling rough too. I walk over and pull the seat out beside my mother at the table and take a seat.

"Good morning Freya" Gordon practically shouts out to me in a chipper mood

"Morning Gordon" I reply back to him trying to be friendly and all smiles which for me is difficult. I turn my head and see my mothers eyes pressing into me like she wants to know everything i got up to last night.

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