Chapter 15-

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I open my eyes and look around my room, i take a breath through my nose and can smell the cinnamon coming from downstairs, it reminds me of my childhood. Every year from October to December my mother stocks the cupboard of cinnamon and makes Cinnamon rolls for our breakfast. When we have a movie night she sprinkles some on popcorn and our hot chocolate. That's when it hits me I'm not at the Lachlan house but I am staying with my mother. My room never changes a bit, she never dares to move my things. I swear i still have a few teddies in my wardrobe from when i was five, one time i went to throw them away but my mum wouldn't have it. I pick my phone off the dresser and turn it on after a few seconds my phone begins to buzz and i see i have a few messages.

"Just spoke to the girls we are going out this Friday the sixteenth " Cameron messages her

"Did you hear we are finally going out with the boys this weekend, how exciting girls" Lauren put into the girls group chat filled with excitement over the thought

"I just found out myself" I puts into the group chat feeling skeptical about the idea of both groups coming together for a night out because let's face it Cameron, Laine and the boys are a little bit rowdy and happy where as my girls yeah we like a good time but it doesn't mean we have to get with every boy in sight.

"I'm looking forward to it, Booze and guys what's not to like" Becca adds into the group chat.

"You left your camera in the study, I've put it in your bedroom" Laine informs her through text

"Sorry i must have forgot that it was there, thank you so much" I replies to him feeling thankful that he put it in a safe place for me.

I pull the duvet off my body and get out of bed, i stand up and give my body a little shake to wake myself up. I put my slipper on my feet and put my cream long cardigan over my burgundy tank top and burgundy shorts. I pick my phone up and keep a hold of it in my hand as i walk downstairs and to the kitchen where i can hear my mother humming as she cooks whatever it is she is cooking. When i get into the kitchen i put my phone down on the counter and walk over to the fridge taking out a bottle of water to sip on.

"Freya, it's Nearly eleven o'clock, i swear you sleep away your day" My mum tells me as she stands at the cooker with a wooden spoon in hand mixing together whatever is in her pan.

"It's been a long couple of weeks" I tell her with a small smile, i walk over to the island with my water in hand and climb up on one of the seats just watching her.

"Ah Yes, Aileen has told me you have been working away hard" My mum shares with me to which i roll my eyes too because i should have known that my mother and Sandra have probably been talking every day about me and Cameron.

"Did you have a nice sleep then?" She asks me like she usually does each time i stay with her

"It was alright, i suppose"I answer her giving a slight shrug of my shoulders.

" Just alright?" She asks me as she turns her head to look at me

"I just keep dreaming about dad that's all" I answer her truthfully not wanting to lie about it even if the sound of the word "dad" hurt her like it usually does. It's been three years since his death and i understand her not taking it well, i understand her going off the rails a bit because she lost the love of her life but three years later i still can't say his name with her tearing up. When i come home i can't listen to his favour music because it reminds her of those days but the truth is sometimes it would be nice to be able to come home and talk about him with someone who knew him as well as i did, who knows the pain i feel but i don't feel i can, so instead i pretend that i'm okay.

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