Chapter 33-

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A/N The last chapter was meant to be the original ending but the more I wrote this book the more my mind began to sway and I couldn't make up my mind. By the end I knew which one I wanted Freya to end up with: Cameron but I would of thrown it all off. I wanted you to see the progress from a boy who only cared about himself and allowed his brother to pay for his mistakes to him learning to love someone, learning to care for someone in a way that he sacrifices the way he feels for his brother. I wanted you to see the progress of Cameron being selfish to selfless where he gives up the girl he loves for his brother. This is how I would have ended things if I chose to listen to my heart rather than my head. This is the alternative Ending.


I lay in bed awake thinking about how today i am getting married. Over the past few months i have discovered so many things about myself that i never would have noticed if it wasn't for Freya coming back into my life. People including me and Freya would never have believed that we would have made it this far or believed that we really do love one another. She will always be the person who allowed me to love again, Who taught me that it was okay to love someone again after Teigan died. Freya stuck by me through all the mistakes i made and i continue to make. She chooses to see the good in me rather than the bad that everyone else would see. I will forever be grateful for the time i have spent with her and the time i will continue to spend with her. I believe every day we grow to love one another that little bit more and who knows perhaps by time we are sixty we won't be able to live without one another. Luckily my mother and father talked me out of making one of the worst mistakes in my life. They appreciated what i was willing to give up for my brother but they reminded me that i love her too and that i deserve as much happiness as he does.


I stare at myself in the mirror and i can feel myself daydreaming. I feel myself coming in and out of reality, I stare at myself my hair is in an updo you can see the curls coming out of the bun on the back of my head and through out my hair. With strands of curly hair coming down the side of my face. I can feel the makeup brushes stroke against my face without every really paying attention to what is going on. I blink my eyes together a few times and i just stare at my eyes thinking about my life.

"You're not daydreaming again are you honey?" My mother asks me and she brushes my hair out of my face, I turn my head and look at her with a smile on my face.

"I'm distracted that's all" I reply to her brushing it off

"It's your wedding day you can't afford to be distracted" She reminds me and i form a smile on my face.

"Your right" I agree nodding my head at her.

I look back at the mirror and this time i don't feel myself wondering off, I watch as the make up artist applies the light pink lipstick to my lips and i pucker them together. I can feel my eyes begin to sting like i want to cry, but i feel happy. I have this happy feeling inside of me. I pull my chair back and stand up where Lauren walks over to me and hands me a drink.

"This will make you better" She assures me and i accept the glass from her hand and i take a sip.

"Have i ever told you girls how much i love and appreciate you for everything" I share with them and i give Lauren and Becca a hug feeling grateful for everything.

"We always have each others backs" Becca replies to me and i raise my glass to them and the do the same.

"I hate to break this up but Freya we should get you into your dress" Aileen informs me and i nod my head. I hand Lauren my glass and walk over to my dress, I pull the zip down on the dress bag and open it up to reveal my dress.

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