Chapter 18

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I work away in my father's study completing my work for college while Freya sits in the opposite desk from me is Freya working on her Portfolio as usual. This morning i woke up at half eight to give myself a head start with the day but as soon as i got to the bottom of the stairs i noticed a light coming from this room and i knew she was in here as dad started work at six. It's funny sometimes when i glance up at her a vein in her neck bulges and her eyebrows frown. I glance up at her one last time and see her the look on her face and i can feel the edge of my mouth curl up into a smile.

"What's wrong?" I ask her not being able to help myself

"The usual, not being able to put my thoughts into words" She tells me and rolls her eyes at me.

"You'll figure it out, you always do "I remind her having seen her going through this in the past.

"I suppose" She replies and she re does her hair into a messy bun.

Back when she first came to live at the house she would always keep up with her appearance for the first two weeks but after that she didn't care about how she looked, spending time in the living room with tracksuits on her hair in a complete mess and none of us cared. The past two months i think i've seen her more in her pyjamas and her hair in a bun working either here or the kitchen. Of course she has seen me at my worst which is ten times worse then she ever looks.


I lift my head and see him deep in thought as he works on his architecture work for college. Lately it's like he's become my study buddy, neither of us confirmed it but we always seem to be awake or at the same place so it's just become a thing. To start with i grab the coffee and some toast if it's early in the morning as we tend to be feeling hungry then he gets the tea and biscuits later. Some days we sit in silence and get on with it and other days we see the other is looking bothered so we ask if we can help even though we know we can't and it's nice. After Cameron gave me the engagement ring i feel like i've not spoke or seen Laine as much so studying together is nice and i wish i knew what i did wrong or know why he appears to be avoiding me... Maybe i already know the answer but just afraid to admit it. I tear a piece of paper out of my notepad and crumple it up in my hand. I look up at him throw the paper at him that hits him in the head. I smile as i watch him lift his head up from his work.

"Oh really?" Laine says to me with a raise eyebrow and puts his pen down on his desk.

"You looked like you needed a break" I suggest to him and rest my head on my knee that i have raised on my chair.

"Normally it's me having to tell you to stop" Laine reminds me to which i smile

"I woke up a fresh woman" I reply to him lying, the truth is i just wanted to talk to him.

"Clearly" She replies then locks away from me and back down at his work. I wish i knew what he was thinking, i always wish i knew what the boys were thinking but unfortunately i can't.

"What you working on?" I ask him and stand up off my chair and walk over to his desk, my blue pyjama bottoms right leg is raised but i leave it there not really caring about it.

"Nothing" he answers shaking his head. I stand beside him and look down at his work and smile.

"It's beautiful" I tell him looking at his drawing of a house he drew during our time in the study.

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