Chapter 31-

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Laine -

I barely slept all night as the thoughts of my brother and Freya's hands being all over each other made me feel sick to my stomach. I eventually gave up on trying to sleep and went out for a drive at 3.37am where i found a pretty cute spot by the lake that Freya would have fallen in love with instantly. If she was here with me she would have dragged me out of the car with her camera taking pictures of the view and it got to the point where i got out the car and i took the pictures i knew she would love. I couldn't not show her this place. All i can think of is her, her love , her beauty all that she is. The things i said to her was wrong. She isn't heartless in fact she is the most loving person i know.

Even as a child she had the biggest heart, I remember the day we were walking home from the park and our parents gave us a dollar to spend on sweets they told us to spend it wisely. Before going into the shop she spotted this homeless man on the street and she felt guilty that she had this dollar and he had nothing. She went into the shop and bought as much sweets as she could with her dollar put it into a bag, she wanted to give her sweets to the homeless man. I argued with her not too because at the time i was nine and she was eight those things didn't matter to me but they did to her. She dragged me back to him and i remember the smile on the man's face when she handed him the bag he told her "No you keep them" and she said to him "It's just sweets, I've plenty more at home" he refused to take them from her because she was a little child but she was too stubborn to walk away she turned to him and said "Fine but they will just sit here and go to waste". She left the sweets beside him and we went home, i remember turning around and looking at the man and i could swear i saw a tear run down his face and he nodded his head at me. That day i realised she didn't need to do that, i never would have done that for someone i never knew but it didn't bother her. On the way home i shared my sweets with her and every time we got a dollar to go to the sweet store we bought him a bag of sweets with her money and we bought a bag with mine and we would share them on the way home. But one day we went past and he was gone, Freya's heart broke and she was never able to walk down that street again because it was a constant reminder, we later found out that he passed away. Now when she has the spare time she goes to the soup kitchen, she tries to help the homeless get jobs and get back on their feet. She can't seem to pass a homeless person in the street without diving into her purse and given them money because although we were children she wishes she did more for that man.

I feel my eyes getting heavier as i sit in the car looking out the window in front of me at the view. I let myself fall asleep.

Dream Flashback - The Day After The Ball -

I come down the stairs after being yelled at by my mother to get the house cleaned because of the mess it was left in last night. I pick up the black bag that was left for me at the bottom of the stairs and open it up where i start filling it with the empty bottles that were left lying around, turns out not everyone is good at hospitality. I clean out inside the hall and i catch a glimpse of Freya standing at the kitchen sink looking out at the window into the garden, I tilt my head realising she is admiring the view but the i couldn't help but admiring the view of her. Thirteen years really is a long time to go without speaking or seeing someone, I always had a thing for her as a child but like i said we were children we didn't know anything about love. Our bodies were starting to change and we didn't really understand what was going on. After all these years here she is back in my life again and all i can think about is how gorgeous she is. She still has that big heart from when we were children but she's different now, the pain of losing her father has changed her. She doesn't know i've noticed but sometimes she looks at our father and her eyes begin to feel with tears because she misses the love, the funny moments even the moments when he would give you into trouble for doing something stupid. I hear Cameron coming along from the study and i make myself look busy , i take one last glance at her before walking from them both.

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