Chapter Five

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"Wakey wakey," a man's voice called. His voice was a smooth as honey, yet cold as ice. My eyes fluttered open to meet emerald green eyes looking down at me. I began to panic when the man held my shoulders down against whatever I was laying on. "Don't fight, just relax," he said, my blue eyes staring into his green ones and instantly I relaxed. "There, that's better," he said with a small smile.

"W...who are you?" I asked.

"Why, I believe you should already know the answer to that," he said. A named flashed in my head giving me the answer.

"Kristillier," I breathed.

"Yes. You probably thought I was dead, but as you know, I am an Original vampire. In fact, I was the first born Original vampire, making me the most powerful vampire in the history of vampires," Kristillier said. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Ok, Kristillier or whatever, I don't know if you know but-" I started, when he interrupted.

"You've been hunted down and you don't know why, but you're sick of it. Yes I already know," he said smiling. My jaw clenched and I forced myself to keep control of my anger, before it came out so I could tear Kristillier apart.

"How'd you figure that out?" I said through clenched teeth.

"Because I'm the one that sent Anya, Erebus, and Marcus after you. I'm also the one that sent you that transporting ring which you now wear as your daylight ring," Kristillier explained. The truth hit me like a punch to the stomach. I sucked in air and felt pain in my gut.

"The truth hurts doesn't it?" he purred softly. My chest rumbled as I uttered a low angry growl. He chuckled and clasped my chin with his fingers. "You're too perfect Anna. I've waited so long for you. I would've had you sooner, had I done it myself, but waiting never hurt me," Kristillier said, his green eyes shining a beautiful dark emerald green. "Oh, that reminds me, I've heard rumors that you've somehow obtained magic powers after you were turned into a vampire," he continued, becoming interested.

I gulped and tried to keep calm. I had a very good reason to be afraid right now. First I was being held captive by an Original vampire, who was more powerful than me and two, I didn't have anyone to come save me, because I knew Kristillier had taken me somewhere far away from help.

"So, can you show me what you can do?" Kristillier asked, a smile curving his lips. I gave a small nod of my head and held out my hand and formed it like I was holding an invisible ball and I called forth my powers. Instantly a ball of fire appeared and Kristillier's eyes glowed with delight. "Very impressive. I'm surprised you've learned to control your powers and not let them take control of you," he said, becoming more curious as time passed.

"I...I don't use my powers that often for the sake of losing control of them," I answered quietly.

"Well, you should use them more. It might help you be able to take better control," he said. He turned from me and I got my first good look of where he'd brought me.

The room seemed all too familiar, the big queen size bed, the big window, wooden floor, the walls a black color as I realized so was all the furniture. Memories came flooding back as I gazed around the room. My heart began to race and I felt that I might pass out from fear. I was in Erebus's chamber.

"W...why am I here? The Erebus's chamber?" I asked, my breath hitching in my throat.

"I brought you here because this is where I live. I allowed Erebus to have it since he was helping obtain you," Kristillier explained and turned around to face me. The memories were flashing in my head so much it was giving me a migraine. I pulled my knees up to chest and started rocking back and forth trying to keep from going insane.

"Oh, there, there, no need to be afraid. You're safe here," he cooed, sitting next to me and pulled me against him so my back was against his chest. I tried wriggling out of his arms, but he only wrapped his arms around me tighter. I felt his warm breath upon my cheek as he nestled me closer to him. "You and I are going to rule the world, and no one is going to stop us" he whispered in my ear.

"Liam, Jacob and Marcus will stop you," I growled, causing him to chuckle.

"Marcus is not on your side. Without him, it's just you, loverboy, and Jacob, against me, Marcus and others," he said. I gulped.

"What others?" I asked, feeling fear coil in my chest.

"It's a secret, but you'll find out soon enough," he said, resting his chin on the top of my head. "Your life would be so much better if I turned you into an Original vampire. You would be so much more powerful, attractive and dangerous," he said, stroking my cheek.

"I'll never join you," I mumbled angrily.

"Oh, you will. Just wait, soon you'll have no need or want to go back to your lovers you'll only want me," Kristillier purred.

"You can't make me into an Original vampire like you, since I'm already a vampire," I said with confidence.

"There's a way to change that," he said through a small smile as he snapped my neck quickly and I went out. I awake to a soft touch to my cheek. My eyes flutter open and they move to find Kristillier sitting next to me on the bed. I groan softly and stretched a bit. "Are you feeling better?" he asked me in a gentle tone.

"Um, yeah, I guess," I answered. Kristillier came on top of me, passion clouding his eyes. He leaned down and his lips met mine. His kiss was like nothing I've ever experienced. Passion ripped through me and my hands wrapped in his hair. I felt his tongue glide over my lower lip asking for an entrance and I allowed it, opening my mouth. I felt I was losing control of myself, wanting more of him.

My hands slid down to his chest and undid one of his buttons on his shirt. Kristillier's hand slid down to my waist where he stroked softly. I bit back a moan and felt my cheeks become warm. He pulled back, our lips a few inches from each other, gazing into each others eyes. He smirked and stroked my cheek once.

"I feel different. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I just feel calmer," I said softly.

"I changed you into something better," he said with a small smile.

"Am I an Original like you now?" I asked.

"No love, you're a human again. I injected a vampire cure-like substance into you, when you were out. It just masks the vampire DNA in your blood long enough for me to turn you into an Original vampire," Kristillier explained.

"I...I'm human?" I asked surprised.

"Sort of," he answered.

"Oh," my tone turned to a slight sadness as I dropped my eyes from his.

"Hey, hey, hey it's ok. I can turn you into an Original vampire like me since you're somewhat human. It just makes things easier in the process," he said. I brought my eyes back to his and gave a small smile.

"I want to be with you," I said, cupping his cheek in my hand. He stroked my hand and returned the smile.

"You will be soon enough love. Then we can spend eternity together,"

An Eternity

The Choices That are Made (Book Three of Hidden Secret Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now