Chapter Nine

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I began to panic in my mind, but staying calm on the outside. There was one more piece to his plan though. The smell of ashes, the ashes that were probably hidden somewhere below the ground down in the cell chambers.

He was going to use my blood for that as well, to raise an army of Original vampires to take over the world with me by his side. My mind was spinning horribly and I felt like I was going to be sick at any moment.

I always figured out what the enemy was hiding and always ended with the horrible truth, and finding all of this was destroying me and my life. My thoughts were cut off as the bedroom door opened and Kristillier stepped into the room.

"How are you feeling?" was the first thing he asked. I sat up a bit against the pillows, wincing as my aching body screamed with tension.

"I've been feeling better," I answered, through clenched teeth. He approached the bedside, not taking his eyes off of me for a moment. "You cared for me all of this time, only to turn against me. I thought you wanted me to take over the world with you," I said, gazing up at him, my heart pounding badly in my ears.

"Oh, Anna, I do care. You just got to become a little difficult to work with," he said, sitting down next to me on the bed. He used his thumb to stroke the top of my hand softly.

"I know what you're planning," I said, my eyes narrowing to a glare.

"Ah, you do...well, maybe it would be better if you don't stick your nose into other people's business," Kristillier said.

" I won't let you, or your army lay a finger on Liam, Jacob or my friends," I growled.

"Anna, you know yourself, that you won't be able to stop me. I will take over and you're going to help," he said.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked tensely.

"Well, a very easy choice love. You can either, do my bidding and join me, or I can forcefully make you join me and I can kill your two little boyfriend's right in front of your eyes," he explained.

"I don't know why I even bother asking, when I already know the answer," I said, pulling my hand away and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ok, how about I let you go back to your two lovers, and see how they treat you and if they aren't like they were, then you can come back to me. How does that sound?" Kristillier asked. I thought over the option and there was a chance that Jacob was still his old self, so I figured I could try it.

"Fine, I'll leave," I said.

"And if you don't feel like they love you anymore, you can come back to me," Kristillier added. I nodded and avoided his eyes. He helped me out of his bed and took me back to Liam and Jacobs. I stood outside the house for a moment, afraid to go inside. "Nervous are we?" Kristillier asked. I shot him a nasty glare and went inside.

"Liam? Jacob?" I called out, waiting in the entryway of the house. A few minutes passed when finally they both came out from the kitchen.

"Decided to come back?" Liam asked me in a somewhat hard tone. Jacob stopped him and approached me.

"Where have you been?" Jacob asked me calmly.

"I...I was kidnapped," I answered quietly.

"Kidnapped? By who?" Jacob asked.

"Kristillier...." I said trailing off. Liam and Jacob were both silent, unsure of what to say.

"Kristillier can't be alive..." Liam said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well he is, and I'm human and-" I stopped, knowing I had let it slip.

"You're human?" Jacob asked me in disbelief. I nodded before I fell against his chest and cried. Jacob's arms encircled me as he led me over to the living room and sat me on the couch as he took his spot next to me.

"Did Kristillier turn you back to a human?" Jacob asked and I nodded.

"He was going to turn me into an Original vampire like him so he and I could take over the world," I said, sniffling and looking down at my hands.

"Care to explain all of it?" Liam asked gruffly. I gave in and spilled the entire story and when I was done, Jacob was fuming.

"Why didn't you try and escape?" Jacob asked, his hands clenched into fists.

"I...I could've but ...but...Kristillier put me under some spell," I said looking at both of them.

"A spell?" Liam asked. He raised a questionable eyebrow.

"Yeah, it was almost like he was compelling me, or something like that," I said.

"Well Kristillier is an Original vampire..." Jacob stated. I could feel Liam's judgy eyes on me as I stared as I stared at my hands in my lap.

"What are we going to do about Anna?" Liam finally said. Jacob looked over at me.

"I'm not going to turn her, unless she decides she wants to turn back" Jacob said stiffly. Liam kept his heated gaze on me, making me feel uncomfortable. I finally spoke up.

"Just let me stay human for a while, and when I feel ready to be turned back, I'll say" I said, getting up and I headed upstairs to my room.

I got there and closed the door behind me. I walked over to my bed and sat down, forgetting how much I had liked it here. As I sat there, I could feel a part of me yearning to go back to Kristilliers so I could be with him, but part of me wanted to stay where I belonged, where I'd be safe.

I sighed and laid back on the bed, feeling a small headache coming on from my stressed state. There were choices that had to be made here and I knew that if I made the wrong move, it would end badly for me.

If I went back to Kristillier, he would use my blood to bring back Sebastian, Anya, and Erebus, along with however many vampires he had waiting to be awakened. If I stayed with Liam and Jacob, I would be safe from harm, but Liam would do anything he could to make me feel guilty of what I had done to him.

If Kristillier brought back Sebastian, Anya, Erebus and his army, then turn me into an Original vampire, Liam, Jacob. And the rest of the world would be destroyed. One wrong choice is all it was going to take to determine whether I lived or died.

I got up and went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face to cool it down. I was feeling sick about this whole thing. Stay here with Liam and Jacob or turn against them and join the dark side.

Kristillier's words ran through my head. " If you don't feel like they love you anymore, you can come back to me," It seemed like Jacob still loved me, but Liam was questionable. I dried my face with a towel and exited the bathroom to find Liam standing by my bed.

"What are you doing in here?" I demanded, feeling uneasy again.

"You want to go back to Kristillier don't you?" he asked flatly as he glared at me.

"Why would you think that?! Liam all I ever wanted was to come back to you guys. You two are my life, my friends, why would you think that I'd ever turn against you?" I asked him, feeling ashamed and angry.

"Because I read your mind while you were taking a moment to cool yourself down in the bathroom," he said. My jaw tightened as I returned the glare.

"So what, are you becoming like Jacob now? Being selfish!" I yelled, angry tears coming to my eyes. Liam's hands tightened at his side's and I realized I had said something to upset him.

"Why are you comparing me to Jacob?! I have never been like him! Never! He's a monster Anna! He's the selfish one, not me!" Liam yelled, outraged. My throat clenched shut and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Before I could do anything, Liam began to advance.

The Choices That are Made (Book Three of Hidden Secret Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now