Chapter Fifteen

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As I gazed around the room, everything hit me like a freight train. Becoming an Original vampire was nowhere near being a plain regular vampire. I was broke out of my stupor as Kristillier interrupted my thoughts as he spoke.

"Anna, my love, how're you feeling?" he asked in a loving tone. My brain suddenly twisted and a growl emitted from my throat. 

My sudden hate for him grew as I lunged forward and grabbed Kristillier by his shirt and then threw him into far wall of the room. There, he hit with a grunt and collapsed to the floor. The beast within me growled with the thirst for blood as I began to approach Kristillier.

"Ok, well this is normal, usually, um I can fix you Anna. You're just a bit new to everything that's all," Kristillier said nervously. I bared my fangs at him and came in for the kill when I felt pain in my back. I spun to see Erebus standing behind me and I looked down to see a syringe stuck in my lower back.

"A calm you down," Erebus said as I collapsed to the ground unconscious. I woke up a few hours later. I groaned and sat up.

"Hello love, sleep well?" came an all too familiar voice. I turned my head to see Kristillier sitting in one of the armchairs in the room.

"I slept fine if that's what you call it when someone drugs you," I said with annoyance.

"Well, anyway, how are you feeling?" he asked and approached me. My eyes narrowed as he got closer.

"Where's Liam?" I asked as Kristillier reached the bedside.

"Liam? Why do you care about Liam? You're an Original vampire now Anna. You're mine. I don't know why you give a crap about him," Kristillier said as he sat next to me.

"Maybe as an Original vampire I still have feelings for Liam," I shot back.

"Well, you shouldn't love Liam anymore, just me," Kristillier said leaning in to kiss me, but I turned my head.

"I want to see him," I said flatly, crossing my arms, not looking at Kristillier.

"Anna, this isn't you to act like this. You've changed now," Kristillier said.

"I want to see Liam! Either you take me to him or you lose me as a's your choice," I said bringing my gaze to his. Kristillier sighed and got up.

"Fine, if you want to see him you can," he said and I got up and followed him out. We went downstairs to the living room where Liam sat in one of the leather armchairs by himself. "Liam, someone would like to see you," Kristillier said as I stepped forward. Liam motioned for me to sit down and I did as Kristillier left so we could be alone.

"Hey Liam," I said a bit nervously.

"Wow, that's sure some of a greeting," Liam said rolling his eyes.

"I see you've changed," I said uncomfortably.

"What, you think I had a choice to stay who I was? Anna you were there and could've stopped Kristillier if you really loved me enough like you used to, but you know what? None of that matters anymore," Liam said and clenched his hands.

"Maybe it does, maybe I still love you Liam. I've got something to tell you Liam...I think my magic powers saved me from becoming an Original vampire, but you have to promise me you won't tell Kristillier," I said. Liam looked at me and smirked.

"Yeah sure, I won't," he said and I sat back relieved, though I wished I hadn't. "Kristillier!" Liam called and I panicked. I had just gotten out of my chair when Kristillier entered the room.

"Yes Liam?" Kristillier asked.

"Anna here, has something she wants to tell you," Liam said in a happy tone as if he enjoyed that I was in trouble.

"Yes Anna?" Kristillier asked turning to me.

"," I didn't want to say anything, knowing what would happen if I did.

"Anna told me that she believes her magic stopped her from turning into an Original vampire," Liam said with smooth confidence. I gulped and let out a nervous laugh.

"That's not true because she was an Original vampire, one of the newly unstable ones when Erek stuck her in the back with a sedative to knock her out. So she is still an Original," Kristillier explained.

"Guess Anna doesn't know what she's talking about," Liam said in a hurt tone.

"Anna, please go to your room," Kristillier told me quietly.

"But I-," I started when Kristillier interrupted.

"I said go!" he growled and pointed to the stairs. I hung my head and went to the stairs without saying a word. I started up the stairs to my room and I got there and went in, locking my door behind me.

I should've been glad that Kristillier still believed that I was an Original vampire so he wouldn't be able to hurt me. A sudden soft knock came to my door and I got up to answer it. I opened the door to face Erebus.

"Hey, what are you-" I started when Erebus pushed into the room.

"Close the door," he commanded and I did as I was told.

"You ok?" I asked. Erebus sat down and seemed very nervous.

"I believe you in not being an Original vampire, but your powers don't have anything to do with it," Erebus said.

"They don't?" I asked curious.

"No, but I do. The sedative...the one I used to knock you out, it had a vampire cure within which is why you aren't falling for Kris, but with Liam instead," Erebus said and looked up at me.

"So, if I don't become an Original vampire I won't be in love with Kristillier?" I asked.

"Correct," Erebus answered.

"But what about Liam?" He just doesn't seem to care's like he doesn't have feelings," I said softly.

"That's because Liam has turned his humanity off. It's like there's a switch in his mind and it's been turned off. So everything he's supposed to feel, he doesn't because Kristillier force-compelled Liam to turn off that switch in his mind," Erebus explained.

"And why are you telling me all this? I thought you wanted to see Liam and Jacob suffer and have me all to yourself?" I asked Erebus.

"Well, right before I took your dagger to destroy myself, I could see how badly you wanted to save me. I saw that you cared, so I'm doing the same for you. I mean, if I didn't care about you, I wouldn't have stuck you with that sedative with the vampire cure in it right?" Erebus asked.

"But, how are we going to destroy Kristillier, get Jacob out and save Liam and get his humanity turned back on?" I asked.

"Well, we have a few choices. One, we could either get Jacob out, find somewhere far from here and figure out a plan. Two, we could try and stop Kristillier from bringing his army of Originals back to take over the world, or lastly we could get Liam and Jacob out and if we die trying oh well," Erebus said.

"Kristillier needs me alive to raise his army and without my human blood, it's useless, so maybe we could get Jacob out so he can turn me," I suggested.

"That might work," Erebus said with a nod. It was another choice I had to make.

The Choices That are Made (Book Three of Hidden Secret Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now