Chapter Eight

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I fled from the caskets and ran straight into Kristillier's arms. It made sense now why Kristillier had brought me here to his mansion. I shoved away from him in fear, trying to put some distance in between us.

"You aren't supposed to be here Anna," he growled coming to me as I looked away from him.

"Why are they here?" I asked fearfully.

"You don't need to know that," he answered, still coming towards me.

"I think I do need to were the one who sent them after me," I said, beginning to get angry.

"You don't need to know about them or this room, so get over here, you might hurt yourself or injure yourself more," he said, trying to make a grab at me, but I swiftly slipped away. "I'm not going to play games with you Anna, so get over here!" Kristillier yelled, his eyes flared red. His outburst startled me and my feet got tangled, soon I found myself going down. Kristillier was quicker as he snatched me up in a firm grip.

I fought to get away from this monster, not believing that I'd fallen under his stupid control. He flitted us upstairs and up to his bedroom where once the door was shut, I leaped out of his grip and ran to the other side of his massive room.

"You're acting so ridiculous right now," Kristillier said, coming to me. I looked over to see a glass vase and I instantly grabbed it in my right hand. "I wouldn't throw that if I were you," he said, still advancing. I waited 'til he got so far before I launched the vase at his face. He grunted as he ducked to avoid being hit, the vase missing its target and shattered on the floor behind him.

"I told you, you shouldn't have done that," he said, now only three feet from me. Before I could run, he pinned me against the wall, closing the gap between us. "Such a little trouble maker," Kristillier purred no longer angry, but content. "You seemed so eager earlier to be turned, but since I have you here, why don't we have some fun," he crooned.

"You bastard!" I yelled and spat in his face. The action took him by surprise as he stopped for a moment to wipe my spit from his face.

"Ok, you wanna play that way, fine," he said, before he harshly pulled me from the wall and threw me on the bed. I landed on my injuries and howled in pain. I started to get up on my hands and knees when Kristillier forced me back down and turned me on my back. "They hurt don't they? My bad for throwing you like that," he said, without sympathy.

"Liam and Jacob will make you suffer when they find out what you did to me," I hissed.

"More like, what I will do to you," he drawled, his fangs lengthening. I thrashed, trying to get him off, but he held me down well. "No, no, no. Ha ha ha. There's no way you're going to get away from me Anna. In your condition I bet you wouldn't be able to even make it out of my bedroom before I'd be back on you again," Kristillier said with a smirk.

I glared hatefully up at him as his eyes turned red in hunger. He turned my head and brought his mouth down to my neck. I heard him utter a soft chuckle before he sank his fangs into my neck.

I screamed in pain as he drank, and slowly my screams died off and became soft whimpers of help. Kristillier wasn't going to let me leave, not until he'd taken what he'd needed. I thought he was going to drink me dry, but he stopped a moment later, his mouth crimson with my blood.

"Your blood is exquisite. It's unlike anything I've tasted before," he said licking his lips. He lowered his head back down to my neck wound and ran his tongue across it. I whimpered and shut my eyes from the monster."Aw... I bet you wish Liam and Jacob were here to save you. Too bad, I'm sure they won't be coming to save you anytime soon," he purred.

"I hope they make you suffer when they do get a hold of you," I sneered, with what was left of my strength.

"I don't think they'll be capable of that love, not until they see what I have in store for them," he said with a cruel smile. He then used one of his fangs to poke his tongue which began to bleed. He leaned down and kissed me forcefully.

His tongue entered my mouth and I began to taste his blood. I felt sick, and I thrashed weakly not helping myself in anyway, only making my strength run out faster. His blood ran down my throat and entered my bloodstream. My wolf bites and his vampire bite began to heal instantly and once they were healed, he pulled back. He got off of me and went to the door.

"I'll be back soon for you love," he said before he left the room, shutting the door behind him and I heard the lock click. I had put myself into this position in more ways than I could count. I was helpless, and wanted to desperately be saved, but I now knew, really, that no one was going to save me. I had no one left that cared.

A while later, I began feeling my strength return, but my body ached all over. Possibly from Kristillier's blood, since it would have to spread through me to heal the wolf bites on my arm and calf. I lifted my arm and saw that the wolf bites had disappeared entirely.

I checked my calf and found the exact same thing, no bite marks marred my skin. I looked out the window not far from Kristillier's bed and found that the sun was beginning to dip down in the sky.

I did realize that it must've been a long time since last night and figured I had lost track of time. I became aware of the events that had happened a few hours ago. Going down to the cell chambers and going into that secret room that held the bodies of Sebastian, Anya, and Erebus.

I shuddered remembering how they all looked in their caskets, dead, but yet all at peace. Thoughts ran through my mind. Why were they here? How did they get here? I didn't know why they were here, but I knew who had brought them. 

Kristillier had possibly brought them here after me and Liam had killed them. I knew Sebastian had been in a tomb where we went to retrieve the dagger to kill Erebus. Kristillier must've dropped by to get Anya's body after me, Liam, and Jacob left, then also dug up Erebus's body after Liam buried him.

I still didn't know why Kristillier had brought them back. As I sat there longer trying to find the answer, it hit me. I told Liam that I felt that there was a connection between the three of them and I knew why. Kristillier had told me that he and I were going to take over the world, once he made me his, but he wasn't going to do that until he'd taken care of something before that.

The reason vampires were after my blood, as well as demons, was that my blood was special, powerful could also be used to describe it. Kristillier had healed me so I'd be in good enough condition to carry out his evil plan of destroying Liam and Jacob.

 I was Kristillier's secret weapon, and he was going to make sure I wouldn't leave to go back to Liam and Jacob so they could protect me. He made sure that he kept me away from them for as long as possible so they wouldn't care about me after a while. He had also been the one to use compulsion on my friends so they wouldn't interfere with his plan.

In a little bit, I knew Kristillier was going to come back to carry out his plan. I then realized he was going to use my blood to bring back Sebastian, Anya and Erebus.

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