Chapter Twenty-Four

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Nervousness began to swirl in my stomach. I looked at both Kristillier and Selene, my eyes filled in slight fear. Selene approached me first, her eyes alight. Kristillier came behind me and led me over to an area in the back with a pentagram draw on the floor with chalk. Candles sat on the five points of the star. I was directed to lay in the middle of the pentagram. Selene kneeled down behind my head as Kristillier watched. She withdrew a dagger from her coat and asked me for my hand.

Selene slid the dagger across my palm and I watched as a thin line of crimson appeared before blood pooled into my hand. She took my hand and let the blood drop inside of the pentagram, then she did the same with Kristillier, putting his blood with mine.

"We do this so your blood can fuse," Selene explained. I nodded before she raised her hands over me and started to recite the spell. The candles flames flickered as a gust of wind began to blow and I felt the ground slightly tremble. Selene began chanting the spell louder before everything stopped. She looked down at me then at Kristillier. "It's done," she said. She rose to her feet and motioned for me to do the same. I stood up and looked around and saw nothing had changed. I then heard voices down below us and I looked at Kristillier who was smiling.

"The spell worked! Now our reign is almost near. All I you Anna," Kristillier looked at me with a cocky smirk. I gazed at him with frightened eyes as he flitted over to me. "Now, you shall rise with me and take your rightful place as my queen. You will enter this new life with me," he said. All I could do was nod. Kristillier then snapped my neck before I could react and I went out.

I awoke a while later, my world had become strange. It was like I was seeing everything in ultra ultra high definition. I felt a soft touch on my arm and my eyes moved to see Kristillier kneeling at the bedside of my bed where I laid.

A sudden smile broke upon my mouth as I sat up and my mouth claimed his. Kristillier pulled me closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. The urgency of love I was feeling was beyond anything I'd felt before. I felt connected, and so true to Kristillier. We pulled away after a moment and he caressed my cheek.

"How're you feeling my love?" he asked me with a smile.

"So much better. Better than I have in the longest of times," I said smiling in return. Kristillier suddenly scooped me up in his arms and I let out a surprised laugh. He twirled me around once before setting me down. He then led me over to the big window in the bedroom.

"Out there will soon be ours. All of it will soon belong to us. People will worship us instead of fearing us. We will be gods," Kristillier said wrapping an arm around my waist.

"All of it?" I asked turning my head to meet his gaze.

"All of it," he said smiling again. I turned my gaze back to the window. All of that outside world would soon belong to me. Kristillier led me away from the window and out of the room. As we stepped out, I laid my eyes on 100 or so vampires all gathered downstairs in the grand entry area. My mouth dropped open in awe to see that Kristillier's army had been truly brought back from the grave.

"They're all going to help us rule?" I asked.

"Yes, love. They will dispose of the evil that walks this earth, so there won't be any problems ruling," Kristillier said gently. I looked back to the army of vampires, excited to finally have everything I'd ever wanted.

"So with all of the newly raised vampires, will there be a war?" I asked Kristillier.

"Why, yes of course. We are prepared, but the enemy is not. They won't know what hit them," he said, taking me into his arms again. My heart fluttered and I gazed into Kristillier's emerald eyes. "You're going to make a great queen, Anna," he said softly to me as he planted a kiss on my lips. I bit my lower lip shyly when he pulled away. From everything I'd seen, Kristillier was right. I was going to make a great queen.

A while later me and Kristillier headed out for a "bite". It was quick and easy and more delicious from my heightened senses. Afterwards, we headed back to the mansion and Kristillier left to his study leaving me alone.

 I called my light to my hands, watching it swirl around my hands and around my wrists. Slowly as I concentrated, the light soon turned into fire and the flames licked at my fingers. I closed my eyes and willed away the fire and opened my eyes before heading back to my room.

I went inside and walked over to my bed and laid down. I closed my eyes wanting to be rested up when I heard a faint whisper of my name. The voice was airy and light and I listened for a moment before closing my eyes again. 

A few minutes later I heard the whisper come again causing me to sit up. I looked around my room seeing no one and I jumped to my senses. I searched the room, when the last place I was led to was my closet. I opened the door to find nothing. I closed the door and turned around when a hand covered my mouth and I was shoved against the wall.

"Shhh!!!" the voice said and I realized it matched the voice that was whispering my name. My eyes trailed up to find Erebus looking down at me. I went into action and struggled trying to free myself. Erebus held me until I stopped fighting.

 I uttered a low menacing growl and my eyes glowed red. "I'm going to remove my hand Anna, and I will ask that you don't scream" Erebus said and I nodded. Slowly he removed his hand.

"Why are you here again?" I growled, glaring up at him.

"Jacob is really worrying about you, so I came to bring you back," he answered.

"I'm not going back! I belong here," I hissed, narrowing my eyes. Erebus looked me over, before his eyes widened.

"No..." he murmured as he realized the truth. "Kristillier changed you?" he asked, nearing me.

"The change had to happen, how else do you think I'm going to rule the world with Kristillier?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You actually did it? Oh my god! I didn't actually think you were serious when you told me you were going to do it," Erebus said.

"Well I was, and here I am," I said. Erebus studied me for a moment before he sighed.

"So, what is Kristillier planning here?" he asked.

"None of your business. You'll know when the time comes," I said tightly.

"Anna, just please come back to us. We can stop all of this if you just come back with me," Erebus said, extending his hand to me.

"I'm not going back with you. This is where I belong and this is where I'll stay," I said. Erebus didn't say anything and dropped his eyes to the ground.

"You could stop all of this, to end it all, you are the prophecy Anna. You'll figure out the end to all of this," he said. I watched him turn away from me and I felt the urge to attack him, but I didn't. He said nothing more as he slowly dissipated to shadows leaving me alone in my room once more.

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