Chapter Sixteen

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After an hour of trying to forge the perfect plan, we finally agreed on something.

"Ok, so once you turn, all three of us, you, me, and Jacob get out of here, round up a few of your werewolf friends and then go back to Kristillier's and get Liam out," Erebus said.

"Yep, but we're going to lay low so Kristillier doesn't figure out what we're planning," I said. I sighed and stood up.

"Ok, I'm ready, are you?" I asked Erebus. He nodded and stood up and followed me to the door.

"I should go out first to make sure the coast is clear," Erebus said putting his hand on the doorknob. I stepped back so he could get out and he poked his head out to check the hallway. "The coast is clear," he whispered and slipped out with me following behind him. We snuck down the stairs and headed toward the door leading down to the cells. On our way over to the door, a voice called out to us.

"Brother, where are you taking Kristillier's little blood prize?" they asked and we turned to see Sebastian standing by the fireplace in the living room.

"I'm just taking her down to visit Jacob for a bit, Sebastian," Erebus answered cooly.

"At this hour? I don't think Kristillier would approve of this I'm sure," Sebastian said smoothly, approaching us.

"Sebastian please, it'll only be a few minutes," Erebus said with a small plea in his voice. Sebastian sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Alright fine, she can go, but if I find out that you did anything against Kristillier's rules, I won't hesitate to tell him," Sebastian said gruffly.

Erebus nodded and gently took my arm and opened the door leading down to the cells. We started down and Erebus closed and locked the door behind us. We reached the bottom stair and I instantly went over to Jacob's cell.

"Jacob, hey it's me," I whispered quietly just in case Marcus was lurking in the shadows somewhere. Jacob sat up from where he was lying in his cell cot.

"Anna? Are you ok? Why is Erebus down here?" Jacob asked.

"He's on our side. We forged a plan on how to get out. We're going to get you out first then you need to turn me into a vampire so there won't be anyway for Kristillier to use my blood to raise his Original vampire army," I explained.

"Ok, but how are you going to get me out of this cell? Marcus has the only key," Jacob said.

"Well, we have to use Erebus's shadows and if that doesn't work, then I'll see if I can use my powers to melt the bars or something," I answered.

"Ok, but hurry. Marcus might be back down to check in on me," Jacob said. Erebus stepped up to Jacob's cell and called out to his shadows. The black wisps streaked from his hands quietly and went towards the bars and cell lock.

The shadows went inside key lock and it took a minute before we heard the soft click of the lock open. Erebus opened the door and I prayed the hinges wouldn't squeak and give away our position. They didn't and Jacob safely stepped out.

"Ok Jacob, now you need to turn me," I said hastily.

"Anna, I'm afraid to turn you again. I mean you've transitioned a lot from human to vampire and back again. It wears the body down a lot and if you overdo it, there's a chance you could die," Jacob said.

"I don't care if it involves death. It only means that you and Liam are safe," I said.

"This needs to be done now. I don't know how much time we have before Sebastian or anyone else gets sneaking suspicions that we're up to something," Erebus said.

"Anna, it's your choice-" Jacob started.

"No Jacob, this is what I want. It's part of the plan Erebus and I put together so please just hurry up and get it over with," I said.

Jacob looked at both of us before he gave in. He pulled me to him and leaned down towards my neck. I bit my lip to keep from making any noise and I reassured myself that the plan was going to work.

Once Jacob had taken the needed amount, he bit into his wrist and put it to my mouth and when Jacob thought I'd had enough, he took his wrist away and without hesitation snapped my neck and I fell back into his arms.

"Anna. Anna, hey wake up," a soft voice called to me through the haze. My eyes fluttered open and I looked up into Jacob's face. "You ok? You were out longer than I expected," Jacob said with worry.

"Yeah yeah, I'm good," I answered as Jacob helped me up.

"So, now that she's turned, we need to get her blood," Jacob said.

"We don't have time for that, we need to get out of here," Erebus said.

"But how? We'll get caught if we go back up the stairs," Jacob said.

"Well, I could use my shadows to take us out of here, but I've never taken more than one person with me before," Erebus said.

"Anna could use her magic to blow a hole through the wall," Jacob suggested.

"What? And make it too obvious that we did escape?" Erebus growled.

"Ok, can we please not argue. Let's just go back up the stairs and if we get caught, me and Erebus will use our powers and try and hold off whoever tries to stop us," I said.

"Fine," Erebus said and we started for the stairs. We got up to the door and Erebus opened it. He looked around and there was no one around so he started forward and we followed.

We headed for the front door when we got intercepted.

"Well, well, well, and where would you three be going on such short notice?" Marcus purred, standing in our way.

"None of your business," Erebus hissed.

"Ooo, I don't like that tone. You should really think before you speak!" Marcus growled and then reached into his coat and quickly withdrew a knife and threw it at lightning speed toward Erebus.

Erebus was quicker and used his shadows as a shield and when the knife hit the shield, it shattered.

"Wow! Great use of powers, Erebus. Too bad I'll have to kill you now!" yelled Marcus. Erebus didn't hesitate and sent his shadows forward where they convulsed around Marcus.

"Come on! That'll hold him for a while," Erebus said and we all sprinted towards the door and pulled it open. We ran outside where then Jacob and I flitted while Erebus used his shadows as a teleporter.

I could hear Jacob beside me and I felt more alive and happier now that I was free and so was he. We came to rest once we reached the city at a small bar. We went to the booths in the back and sat down with me and Jacob on one side and Erebus on the other side.

"Ok, so now that we're all free, what's the next move?" Jacob asked.

"Our next move is to gather up some of our friends to help get Liam out," I answered.

"Friends?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, Shay, Dane, werewolves and vampires," I said.

"Ok, but once we get Liam out, how are we going to get him to turn his humanity back on?" Jacob asked looking at both Erebus and me.

"We'll figure that out once we get him out," Erebus said. I sat there next to Jacob feeling worried and scared. All of the choices that I had made had led up to this point and we were getting somewhere, but how much longer did we have until our luck ran out?

The Choices That are Made (Book Three of Hidden Secret Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now