Chapter Nineteen

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"Well, Anna, you've outdone yourself this time haven't you?" Sebastian purred, his orange eyes glowing like two little fires.

"You should know not to flirt with your opponent Sebastian, you'll end up losing that way," I sneered, wrinkling my nose up into a snarl, my fangs peeking out over my lower lip.

"Oh, so who turned you back into a little vampire? Jacob?" Sebastian crooned.

"None of your business!" I roared and hurled a fireball straight at Sebastian's face. His big black wings came out and he used them as a shield.

"Nice try, but a little fire won't kill me," Sebastian growled. We started forward slowly.

"On my signal..." I whispered to Dane and Shay. I waited until we were about four feet from Sebastian before I called it. "Now!" I yelled and they spring into action. Dane and Shay were out distraction and I looked over at The Darling giving him a nod. Together with my powers and his, we tried to weaken Sebastian. Sebastian was trying his best to fend off Dane and Shanaya, but our werewolves were overruling. "Back down!" I commanded to Dane and Shay. 

They fell back giving Erebus and I better access to Sebastian, who now lay weakened with tears and bite marks all over him. I formed fire in my hand while Erebus formed his shadows. I sent my fire down upon Sebastian and Erebus's shadows followed.

Sebastian's cries of pain rang out and echoed in the entryway, then they slowly died out into silence.

"Ok, I wasn't expecting Sebastian first. We gotta find Kristillier now," I said starting off towards the stairs.

"Anna wait!" Shay said. I stopped as she caught up with me. We then hurried up the stairs and met Jacob in the hallway left of us.

"Did you guys find Kristillier?" Jacob asked.

"No, we got Sebastian," I answered. Jacob cursed.

"Ok, well, come with us to go get Liam, then our group will be bigger if we happen to run into trouble," Shay said. Jacob nodded and then we all took off down the hallway right of us. We were almost to the end of the hallway when Liam came around the corner and we all skidded to a halt.

"Liam!" I cried, happy that we'd found him. Liam growled and came at me, but Jacob jumped in front to block Liam.

"Jacob, get out of my way!" Liam roared. Erebus came from behind us and sent his shadows at Liam to tie him up. It worked. Jacob got a hold of Liam who tried struggling, but Erebus's shadows kept him contained. We got Liam, and then started back, running into an obstacle I'd forgotten about, Marcus.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you all in a big hurry," he said with a smirk. I looked down and saw he held a dagger in his right hand. Dane and Shay both growled and went forward barking and snarling. Marcus wasn't fast enough to fend them off with his dagger and soon found himself not very lucky.

"Come on!" Jacob yelled and we all made a run for it down the hallway to the stairs. We quickly got down to the entryway and as we reached the front door, Dane and Shay came down the stairs, both of their muzzles stained red. We got out and kept going until we were a good distance from the house. We all stopped to catch our breath and I let out a small laugh.

We had gotten Liam out all in one piece and no one got hurt thankfully.

"Wait, where's the other ten werewolves?" Dane asked looking around counting. I realized that they had never got out. Shay began to run back towards the mansion when I grabbed her to stop her.

"Shay, they're gone. They didn't make it," I said, my own sorrow pulling at my heart. Shay fell against me and cried. I pulled her to me, telling her how sorry I was. She quickly collected herself and wiped her eyes.

"Sorry," she said.

"It's okay. At least you or Dane didn't get hurt," I said. She nodded and went over to Dane. She grabbed his arm and pulled him with her.

"Come on Dane, let's go," she said and the other werewolves followed them. Erebus, Jacob and I watched them leave and when they were gone, I turned to Jacob and Erebus.

"Thank you for saving Liam," I said. Both of them nodded, while a tied up Liam glared at me.

"We'll take him back home, and once we get there, we'll deal with him there," Jacob said and we started home.

Once we got home, I went over to the couch in the living room and I flopped onto it, exhausted. Jacob went and put Liam downstairs while Erebus came over and took a seat in one of the armchairs by the couch.

"Well, mission complete," he said breaking the silence. I smiled and yawned.

"Yeah, now all we have to do is get Liam to turn his humanity back on," I said.

"That's going to take some work, but we'll get him back to normal," Erebus said. I nodded and my eyes closed and I fell asleep. A while later, I felt someone gently shake me awake and I open my eyes to see Jacob hovering over me.

"Hey. You must've been tired. You slept for almost all of the morning," Jacob said in a slightly worried tone.

"Well, it was a lot of work to get Liam out of there in one piece and having to get rid of Sebastian and Marcus," I said yawning.

"You sure you're ok?" Jacob asked sitting on the edge of the couch, concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, yeah," I said and waved him off. He left and I sat up and stretched. I had a burning desire to use my powers again, but I was pretty tired from what'd happen yesterday. My mind told me to ignore the sleepiness and use my powers. That using my powers would make me more awake. I raised my hands toward the unlit fireplace and focused my powers, when I heard the whoosh of fire. I opened my eyes and saw a fire burning in the fireplace.

"What else can I do?" I wondered. My eyes flitted over to three unlit candles on a nearby table. Focus and soon all three of the candles lit at once. The feeling of my power gave me an exhilarating rush of excitement. 

Soon I was making objects levitate, turning lights on and off and just playing around. A while later, I started to get a headache and decided to stop. I thought my headache would just go away on its own, but I was wrong.

 As the minutes passed, my headache worsened. It became too much to the point of where I thought my brain was going to explode. My body weakened and I stumbled over to the couch steadying myself.

The room was spinning and my vision became fuzzy. I groaned and slowly went over to the fridge and opened the door, in search of blood bags. The stock was full and I grabbed one and open it up. I quickly drank it down, only to have it come back up. I moaned and realized I'd started to shake and I was sweating.

"J...Jacob..." I called hoarsely. I grabbed onto the counter for support as I made my way out of the kitchen. "J...Jacob," I tried to call again for him louder, but I knew there was no way for him to hear me. A moment later, I started to hallucinate. I began seeing horrible things and I wanted to get away from it all, but I couldn't. Anya's dead corpse coming after me with a hole where her heart had been, Sebastian burnt to a crisp, and Marcus wielding his dagger with his face mangled from when Dane and Shay attacked him. I backed up into the living room, when Jacob came from behind me and pulled me to him. I nearly screamed as he held me. I was just about to tell him what'd happened, but before I could, my body gave out and I fainted in Jacob's arms.

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