Chapter Eleven

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"No!" Jacob howled, flitting towards Kristillier to pull him off of me. Kristillier spun on Jacob as Jacob delivered a jaw bone-breaking punch to Kristilliers jaw. Kristillier never even seemed phased by the hit, as his head didn't move an inch. An insane-like smile spread across his face as he stood a moment, staring at Jacob. My blood was running down the corners of Kristiller's mouth and down his chin.

Kristillier's fist flew forward and Jacob was lucky enough to avoid the hit. My eyes moved slowly to Liam who just stood where he was, watching. I tried getting up, falling back down in a miserable heap.

Jacob had come back up and took another swing at Kristillier, who grabbed Jacob's fist in his hand and forced it back, further and further as Jacob tried to push back, not having any effect.

Kristillier, I knew could easily break Jacob's arm, since he was stronger. I started toward the two at a crawl, to stop the fight, when I felt hands gently grab me, as they pulled me against them.

I turned my head to see Liam's face next to mine, his icy blue eyes staring into my own. He shook his head letting me know that I shouldn't go try to break up the fight. I faced back to Jacob and Kristillier, hoping that the fight would stop soon so no one would get hurt.

From the looks of the fight, I knew that neither one of them was going to stop until someone was dead. I turned my head back to Liam, pleading with my eyes for him to do something. Liam got the message and looked to Kristillier and Jacob.

"That's enough!" Liam yelled, getting both of their attention. Jacob flitted over to our sides, leaving Kristillier to stand alone. Jacob wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and glared hatefully at Kristillier.

"Why are you here Kristiller?" Liam asked through a growl.

"I came for Anna," Kristillier answered cooly. I was going to answer, but Liam shushed me.

"Kristiller, Anna already told us what happened when she was with you. There's no point in trying to get her to leave us and go with you," Jacob said, his eyes glowing a soft crimson red.

"I don't care what she told you, I came here to reclaim her," Kristillier said, straightening his shoulders. Liam and Jacob pushed me behind them.

"RECLAIM HER?! She's not some kind of territory for you to rule over Kristillier!" Liam roared.

"Oh, but what if she is? I mean I've been searching for her just as long as you two have, so it's fair," Kristillier purred.

"But we've had her longer," Jacob growled.

"Exactly! Which is the reason why it's my turn to have her," Kristillier said smoothly, extending his hand to me, waiting for Liam and Jacob to hand me over.

"She isn't going with you," Liam hissed, baring his fangs slightly.

"Maybe she's changed her mind. Maybe she wants to come with me," Kristiller said. I felt a tug in my mind, my thoughts switching. Liam realized what Kristillier was trying to do.

"Jacob, get her out of here," Liam said quickly, not taking his eyes off of Kristillier. Kristillier quickly stood in front of the door, blocking our only exit out.

"I don't think Anna will be leaving anytime with you Jacob," Kristillier purred, smirking while he looked at us. I saw Jacob's eyes glance over to the windows and saw what he was thinking.

Before me, Liam or Kristillier could react, Jacob wrapped his arms around me and flitted at the biggest window near us and broke through it. I clung to Jacob as we pummeled out the window to the ground, which we landed on softly with Jacob's vampire abilities.

Once we touched the ground we were off. My human eyes couldn't pick up things that passed by us in a blur, but I would've if I was a vampire. We seemed to be going on forever, when finally Jacob stopped. I let go of Jacob to see where we were and the place didn't look familiar at all.

"Where are we?" I asked Jacob, facing him.

"Somewhere far from Kristillier, so he can't get to you," Jacob answered.

"What about Liam? Where is he at? Did he follow us? Does he know where we are?" Questions spilled out of my mouth as I began to worry.

"Anna calm down-" Jacob started to say as he approached me, but I stepped back and interrupted him.

"Don't tell me to calm down Jacob! Where is Liam?" I asked angrily, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Liam will be here soon, I promise you," Jacob said calmly as he came to me and pulled me into a protective hug. I pushed against his chest to make him step away from me.

"Jacob, if Liam is still back there with Kristillier, something bad could be happening and I don't want Liam to get hurt," I said, turning and walking away from Jacob.

"Fine, go after him. Seems like your feelings are levitating towards him now," Jacob said, almost disgusted. I then realized something. Kristillier was trying to turn us against each other so it would make it easier to take me back. I needed to figure out a solution to this and fast or I was going to lose both of the men I loved.

"Jacob, I know what Kristillier is trying to do. He's trying to separate is, so he can take me back easier," I explained to Jacob.

"Could we talk about something else, or more like try and figure out something here," Jacob answered annoyed. I was taken aback by his response.

"What kind of person are you Jacob?! Liam is in trouble and you're just letting the matter of it slide! Liam is your brother, why won't you help him?" I asked, almost desperate.

"Help him?....Help him?! Liam never needed nor wanted my help! So there's your answer. We're done here," Jacob growled as he turned away, hiding the beast that was masking his features.

"Liam was right... you really are selfish," I said, tears gathering in my eyes.

"!" Jacob roared and spun on me. Before I could react, Jacob grabbed both of my forearms and threw me backwards. I was propelled into the air, and my breath was knocked from me as my back struck a tree. I then landed on the ground on my back, my lungs burning like fire as I laid to regain my breath.

Jacob never approached me to see if I was ok, instead he stood for a moment and began walking away from me. I managed to clear my throat and get out a few words.

"," I forced myself to keep my eyes open. I heard Jacob stop and he turned around.

"What?" I heard him growl from where he was. I slowly got into a half-sitting position and managed to sit up enough to look at Jacob.

"Jacob...I need help...please. We can go back and get Liam together and then find a way to defeat Kristillier," I said, getting out a few coughs to clear my throat.

"I'm not helping you, or saving Liam. You guys can figure it out yourselves," he said and turned to start walking again, but stopped and flitted over to me. I didn't look Jacob in the eye, but he took a hold of my chin and forced me to look at him. "You were better than this Anna. Why are you being so difficult and so against me?" he asked.

 I was about to answer, tears blurring my vision, but never got in my answer before Jacob let go of my chin and disappeared.

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