Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I looked up from the letter, my hands shaking.

"Anna? What is it?" Liam asked, concern laced his voice.

"It's Kristillier. It's about the war," I said feeling myself trembling. Liam took the letter from my hands and read it over. He shook his head as he shredded the paper before he walked over to the fireplace, throwing the pieces inside. "He knows, Liam. He knows that we're going to try and kill him," I said trying to keep the panic in my voice down.

"Alright, so he knows and he's going to use his entire army to take us down. So what? It's just like any other war we've fought," Liam said turning and looking at me. I sighed.

"I know, but something about this just doesn't feel right, like Kristillier is hiding something from us," I said.

"And what could that be?" Liam asked.

"I don't know Liam, I don't-" I stopped, my heart skipping a beat. "Jacob...Oh god no! Kristillier went after him! He's gonna use him to hurt me!" I cried. Liam rushed over to me as I collapsed into the couch. Flames and light ignited at my hands, causing Liam to jump back.

"Anna, calm down. Your powers are going haywire," Liam said calmly.

"No Liam! This is no time for me to calm down! I'm going to go get Jacob and bring him back here, so he's safe from Kristillier," I growled as I got to my feet and started for the door.

"And what makes you think Kristillier won't do anything to try and stop you?" Liam asked as my hand touched the door handle. The light and flames dissipated.

"I know Kristillier will try something, because he always does, Liam. I just need to get Jacob away from him," I answered, turning to him.

"You don't have to go, just stay here where I know you're safe," Liam said approaching me.

"Liam, I can take care of myself. You don't always have to look after me," I said gazing up at him.

"I just don't want to lose you," he said as he pulled me against him. I breathed in his scent and sighed. I pulled back and looked up at him.

"Just please let me go see if he's ok," I said with a slight plea in my voice. Liam sighed before releasing me. I opened the door and stepped out into the night. I took off to Kristillier's mansion since I assumed that's where he would be.

I got there a while later and approached the door. My hand wrapped around the large brass knocker on the door and I knocked three times. After the third knock, the door opened with no one on the other side. I let myself in and closed the door behind me.

"Kristillier?" I called out, my voice echoing throughout the entryway. A moment later a voice sounded.

"He's not here," Kristillier's smooth voice came from the black leather armchair facing the lit fireplace. I stepped further into the room.

"You're lying Kristillier, where's Jacob?" I growled. He stood up with his back to me.

"I told you, he isn't here," he said again in that smooth tone of his. My eyes narrowed at his back. Fire and light laced my fingers like little snakes. "I see you've grown fond of your powers," he purred. A growl rumbled in my throat as my canines retracted.

"Goddammit Kris! Stop screwing with me!" I yelled, my powers flaring at my anger.

"Temper, temper. I don't want you burning this place down," Kristillier said as he slowly turned to face me.

"Alright, you already know about the war, so why don't you just tell me where Jacob is, so I can take him and be on my merry way," I hissed.

"Oh, Anna, don't think I'm letting you leave so soon," he said approaching me. His emerald green eyes captured mine, entrancing me. I shook my head to rid myself of his gaze. I was about the release my powers when Kristillier seized hold of my wrists. "I wouldn't try love. Now, I'm telling you for the last time. Jacob is not here, so stop thinking you're going to find him locked up in here somewhere," Kristillier growled as he released me. I stumbled back from him.

"I've never trusted you Kris and I'm not trusting you now. I'm not leaving without him," I said, standing my ground. Kristillier rolled his eyes and groaned.

"God, you're so persistent! Why don't you call him? If he answers, then he obviously isn't here," Kristillier said.

"Fine," I grumbled and took out my phone, dialing Jacob's number. I put the phone up to my ear counting the rings. On the third ring, Jacob picked up.

"Hello?" he answered. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jacob! You're ok! Where are you?" I asked.

"That's classified information, Anna," Jacob said.

"No, Jacob, come on. Where are you?" I asked again.

"I'm not answering that question, Anna. No matter how many times you ask, my answer will always be no," he said. I clenched my jaw, angered.

"Fine! Be an ass then! You know I drug my sorry butt over to Kristillier's just to come find you," I growled. That got his attention.

"Wait, you're at Kristillier's?" he asked, his tone now concerned.

"Yeah, because I thought he kidnapped you! Looks like he didn't, so-" I said when Kristillier took my phone away. "Hey! Give the phone back!" I demanded. Kristillier put up a finger to silence me and I rolled my eyes. He put the phone to his ear.

"Jacob, how are you?" Kristillier said charmingly.

"Now listen to me you ignorant evil monster-" I heard Jacob start to say.

"Jacob, no need to worry, it's all fine here, bye now," Kristillier said and hung up. "So, there's your answer," he said, handing me back my phone. I took it, placing it back in my pocket.

"Guess I called you out for being a liar," I said softly.

"Yes, and I'm deeply hurt, so next time, don't assume things that aren't true," he said, placing an arm around my shoulders. He opened the front door and lightly shoved me out. "Right, so just be on your merry little way on back to Liam and forget about all of this," Kristillier said as he began to shut the door.

"Wait, Kris!" I cried turning to the door before it shut in my face. "Kris! Open the door!" I yelled pounding on it harshly. No answer. I growled in anger and thought about burning the door down, then I thought better of leaving it alone. 

At least I knew Jacob was okay and not in Kristillier's clutches. I only had so much time to plan on how to bring an end to Kristillier before the war and I wasn't going to fail. Not this time. I was going to end this once and for all and rid myself of him, so I could finally get on with life and these coming days were numbered.

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