Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"What the hell are you talking about?!" Liam roared in anger.

"Anna is beginning to bring forth the darker side of her powers. If she goes too far with it, the doors of Hell will open," Erebus explained. My eyes fluttered open and I looked up into Liam's gaze.

"Anna, thank god you're ok," Liam said, helping me sit up.

"My powers, they're starting to control me," I said quietly.

"As if we haven't already noticed," Jacob growled from where he was sitting.

"Jacob, now isn't the time to be upset about-" I started.

"No Anna! Now is the perfect time to be upset about this! If your powers are starting to control you, you don't have much time to take back that control! Your life will be gone before your eyes and there will be nothing that either me, Liam, or Erebus could've done to stop it!" Jacob yelled.

"Jacob, please calm down we can-" I started again.

"No! Just stop trying to...calm me down. I can't...I can't..." Jacob said, his face constricting in emotional pain. "I can't," he finished, before he got up and went out the door.

"Jacob wait!" I called and scrambled to get up and go after him. By the time I got outside, Jacob was gone. I went back inside and shut the door slowly. "He's gone..." I said and walked back over to Liam and Erebus. "This is all my fault. I got so caught up in everything and now with all the choices I've made, it's beginning to hurt those closest to me," I said quietly. Liam came over and pulled me against him.

"We'll figure this out. We'll fight the war and win, and all will be well as soon as you think," Liam said, bopping me lightly on the nose. I sighed and looked over at Erebus.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked him.

"The only thing we can do now is focus on you controlling those powers of yours," Erebus answered. I looked down at my hands.

"I don't know if I can control them now. There's no point in trying to," I said as light slowly flowed in my palms.

"Anna, I've known you for almost three years. We share an incredible bond that can never be broken, and we trust each other. Right now, I know that you can control your powers and that you can put an end to all of this and bring peace to our lives once more. You have what it takes," Liam sad gazing deeply into my eyes.

I stopped and thought about what Liam just said. Selene was the one who gave me my powers because of the prophecy and because she knew that I would be able to use them. Really all along I had control over my powers, but the reason I was losing that control, was because I was afraid of losing those closest to me. I took in a deep breath.

"I think I've had the will to control my powers all along, fear was just holding me back," I said.

"Fear of what?" Liam asked.

"Fear of losing you, and Jacob and everyone I love! My choices got me here Liam, everything started because of me," I explained, looking up at him.

"I don't believe that. I believe that it was your fate and destiny that aligned and told you what to do," Liam said.

"But that isn't the main reason for everything that has happened. Yes, it's part of what's happened, but the choices were the key part to all of this, and pretty soon, I'm going to have to make a final decision to end all of this," I said. Liam was quiet.

"You sure are smarter than I thought you were to figure all of this out Anna," Erebus said with a soft chuckle. I looked at him.

"Well, it's true. Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever," I said. Erebus and Liam both nodded. We stood in silence for a moment, before Erebus started off.

"I'm gonna call it a night. Tomorrow we'll figure out how we're going to finish all of this," Erebus said.

"When's the next full moon?" I asked quickly. Liam looked it up.

"It says two days from now," he answered.

"That doesn't give us much time to prepare for the fight...and what about Jacob? What if Kristillier gets to him before we can even go looking for him?" I asked, becoming concerned.

"I doubt Kristillier even knows where Jacob is, besides Jacob wouldn't join Kristillier for hopes you're still safe," Erebus said. I looked to Liam for his answer.

"Erebus is right. Jacob wouldn't go looking for trouble with Kristillier," he said.

"I just want to know if Jacob is safe out there by himself," I said quietly.

"Jacob can handle things alone, he's a fighter," Liam said with a small smile. I looked back to Erebus who nodded and then turned and headed upstairs. I turned back to Liam.

"Liam, we really need to talk about everything thats happened between us. I know I wasn't myself when I broke ties with you, because it wasn't me who chose to, it was Selene. She changed something in me to make me have feelings for Jacob and not you," I explained. Liam said nothing and led me over to the couch and had us sit down.

"I just figured you were panicking about your powers getting out of control, so I thought you were seeking Jacob for help," Liam said.

"But it's all over now, we're together again and that's all that matters to me right now," I said softly, as I looked at Liam. He leaned forward and our lips met. 

This kiss reminded me of the very first time Liam had ever kissed me and it made me feel alive. Liam took me down against the couch as his kisses became more and more passionate. His lips trailed down to my neck and he nipped playfully at my skin causing me to shiver.

 My hands wrapped around Liam's neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. I wish it could stay like this forever, just the two of us as one. Liam pulled back, both of us slightly breathless.

"I love you," Liam said huskily.

"I love you more," I answered back with a smile. Liam kissed me one more time, before he got up off the couch. I got up as well and went to Liam when a noise sounded at the front door. I looked at Liam with concern.

 We went over to the door and Liam opened only to find that no one stood outside, only a letter in a white envelope lay on the ground. I picked it up and with shaking hands, I opened it and read what was inside.

"Come to me by the full moonlight, so that you and I may reunite. With all your power and thoughtful insight you know that the war will begin at midnight," -K

The Choices That are Made (Book Three of Hidden Secret Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now