Chapter Twenty-Six

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I looked back up at Kristillier, my eyes filled with tears.

"So all of this, to claim me and kill Liam and Jacob, was your plan all along?" I asked with hatred.

"Yes, I knew you were capable of so many things when I first laid my eyes on you," Kristillier said with his cat-like smile.

"And when exactly was that, when you first saw me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, it could've been at any time. While you were on vacation, or possibly even at school. I mean, how else could I've known you were such close friends with Kayleigh? Or even, how protective Liam could get, even when he had just met you," Kristillier purred. I gulped.

" sent those guys after me the night of Homecoming," I said realizing.

"Yes, compelling them was too easy since they had some beers after the dance. I knew it would be the perfect opportunity to see what Liam would do to try and save you from trouble like he always seems to do," Kristillier explained.

"You are just...evil! You don't care about anything! I hate you!" I yelled, pushing Kristillier away from me. I started to walk away from him, when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I fought against him, but slowly and slowly, my struggle became weaker and weaker.

"Why don't you just give up already Anna?" Kristillier asked me.

"I'm persistent that's why," I growled.

"Persistence won't get you anywhere. You should know that by now," Kristillier said. I'd stopped fighting him and stood quietly.

"Well, obviously I didn't know that, but I do now," I said through my clenched teeth. Kristillier watched me quietly, before he stroked my cheek gently. He sighed and then took my hand; leading me out of the room.

"Kristillier, where are we going?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"We're going to get you more familiar with your powers. You're going to need them during the war," he answered. I tried to pull back, but Kristillier kept a firm grip on my hand.

"No Kris! I'm not going to over use my powers. It isn't going to end well for all of us if something bad happens," I said. Kristillier ignored me and brought us down to the room where all of Selene's spell books were. We went in and Kristillier brought me to the middle of the room.

"Anna, please just do this for me," Kristillier said, almost begging.

"Kristillier, I'm not going to do this. Jacob said my powers are capable of setting all hell loose and I'm not going to go that far with it," I said, standing my ground.

"If you don't do this, it isn't going to end well for Liam and Jacob or everyone else that you love," Kristillier said darkly.

"If you even dare lay a finger on anyone I'll-" I started as I neared Kristillier, before he placed a finger to my lips.

"Then make your choice and cooperate," he said softly. I glared at him, before I called my light to my hands.

"Happy?" I snarled.

"Not quite yet," he said.

I looked over at the lifeless roses on Anya's casket and raised a hand to them. With a wave of my hand, the light flowed over them, and slowly the roses were brought back to life with their crimson color.

 I looked around the room and my eyes landed on some unlit candles. With another wave of my hand, the candles were lit. I could sense a headache slowly starting, so I stopped and closed my eyes for a moment. The headache worsened and I began feeling light-headed. I opened my eyes and went to sit down.

"Where are you going?" Kristillier asked demandingly.

"I need to rest," I said, rubbing my head.

"No, there's no time for resting. Come on, get up," Kristillier said coming over to me. He began to pull me up, when I brought fire to my hands.

"Don't!" I yelled, my eyes flaring red. Kristillier let go of me and stumbled back slightly.

"Ah, so your anger fuels your fire. I love it," he purred. More pain seared through my head and I hissed quietly, silencing my fire. Kristillier approached me again and knelt down to look at me.

"Kristillier, don't make me do this. I can't take it," I said quietly.

"I know you can handle this. You just need to use your powers more," he said gently. I looked at him.

"You're wrong if you think I can handle this. First off, you're making me make all these choices that I really shouldn't be making, and second, I'm going to fight a war against the two closest people I love! This is why I can't handle it!" I said, my voice rising.

"Well then, maybe I can change that for you," Kristillier said.

"Stop saying you can change things! You can't! Things with Liam and Jacob were perfect until you showed up!" I yelled, pointing a finger. I stopped myself to calm down, before I caused the fire in me to stir again.

"You're getting upset again. Your anger fuels your fire, which allows you to take better control of your powers. If you were scared, then you would lose that control and things could go badly," Kristillier explained.

"So what? You're going to use my anger to your advantage? To shape me into a monster?" I growled angrily.

"Precisely," he purred. I brought my hand up and stood, before flames appeared in my hand. I forced the fire toward Kristillier, but he caught my hand and forced it back. The heat of the fire was intense, and a small sweat broke on my brow. Finally, I pulled back the fire and collapsed forward into Kristillier's arms, weak and tired. "There, there. That was a wonderful start," Kristillier said, softly stroking the back of my hair. I felt myself trembling slightly and I couldn't stop. Suddenly, the door opened and Selene entered. Her eyes landed on me in Kristillier's arms and she smiled.

"Why, you two look so good together, almost destined," she said sweetly.

"Anna has finally begun to become familiar with her powers," Kristillier said.

"Has she now?" Selene said, interested.

"Yes, but there is still much work to be done," he said as he tipped my chin up with his finger. "Isn't that right love?" Kristillier asked me. I barely managed a nod. He chuckled and looked over at Selene.

"Guess you were right about having her keep the powers I gave her, since she's seemed to become more familiar with them," Selene said.

"She'll be even better on the battlefield," Kristillier said softly, looking back down at me. In one swift movement, he scooped me up in his arms. "I'll see you in the morning Selene, I'm taking my little warrior to bed," Kristillier said. Selene nodded and then we left the room. We barely got back to my room, before I gave into sleep.

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