Chapter Ten

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I finally found my voice.

"Liam...s...stop," I said beginning to back away. He kept coming and I went to turn, when my hand smacked into a vase on the dresser next to me, the vase, fell to the floor and shattered.

Liam took no notice, and now he was only a few feet away. His eyes suddenly turned crimson as he stopped two feet from me. He looked down at my hand and I looked down as well to find a bloody gash on my hand from hand when it had hit the vase.

"Liam...don't!...Keep control!" I yelled, putting my hands up in front of me to keep him back, but it was a bad move. The blood dripped off my hand onto the floor. Liam's beast within him had taken over and there was no point in saying anything to him.

He snatched my wounded hand and with my human blood so near to him. His breath began to come ragged. He brought my hand to his mouth and began to drink. He must've been hungry because he wouldn't stop.

He pulled me forward, our bodies touching. He let up from my wound and brought my face closer to him, then he moved my hair from my neck and his fangs appeared. I whimpered and cried out softly. My life and energy slowly ebbing away into Liam. He suddenly stopped and quickly stumbled back, aware of the real world now.

He wiped his mouth with his fingers and they came away red. His horrified gaze met mine as I leaned against the wall for support for my weak self.

"Oh God," he murmured, realizing what he'd done. He backed away from me in shock, before he turned and flitted away. I tried to go after him only to miserably and weakly fall to the floor, drained I lay there. Not a moment later, Jacob rushed into the room, taking everything in. He cursed under his breath and hurried to me, taking me into his arms.

"Anna, what happened?" Jacob asked, panic and so many other emotions filled his face as he saw my bleeding neck wound.

"L...Liam bit me... then r...ran off," I managed to say. Jacob let out a rough growl and picked me up off the floor and laid me on the bed. He rushed to the bathroom and got a wet washcloth, returning a moment later to assist the wound.

"Why did Liam do this?" he asked me.

"I...I don't know, he...I think I said something that made him break," I answered quietly.

"And what did you say to him?" he asked, wiping most of the dried blood away with the cloth.

"I said that he was acting like you... that he was being selfish," I said.

"That he was acting like me?" Jacob raised his eyebrows in questioning surprise. I nodded and blinked away tears I felt coming.

"He got angry at me and started coming at me and my hand hit that vase," I said nodding over to it. "Then he saw that I was bleeding and lost control," I finished. Jacob sat quietly watching me as he finished cleaning my neck.

"I never should've let this happen to you," he said, looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"There was nothing you could've done," I said in a low tone, looking away from him. Tears brimmed my eyes as guilt and sadness coursed through me as I let everything go. I broke down with racking sobs as Jacob pulled me against his chest, my face buried in his neck. Jacob's hand smoothed my hair as he softly spoke to me.

"I...I just don't know what to do anymore," I choked out.

" shhh. It's ok Anna," Jacob hushed me. My hand gripped his shirt and I breathed in Jacob's scent, comforting me. I calmed myself down a bit, stopping my waterfall of tears.

"Liam has never been this out of control before, has he?" I asked, my eyes moving up to meet Jacobs.

"No, it was normally me that lost control. I think the bond between you guys must've been really strong because now that it's broken, Liam is just a big mess of pieces and he can't put himself back together," Jacob said, wiping away my tears.

"Even though I'm not a vampire, all I keep feeling is just all this regret about breaking the bond," I said, bringing my eyes back down to my lap. The bite marks on my neck throbbed and I winced quietly in pain. "I...I forgot how much these hurt," I said with a minor chuckle, referring to the bite marks. Jacob smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me softly.

"I probably should go after Liam, and bring him back, so we don't run into the same problem we had when he had an anger rage," Jacob said, starting to get up, but I clung to him to stop him.

"No! Don't go! What if Kristillier comes here when you're not and kidnaps me again?" I said, worry filled my eyes. Jacob stopped a moment.

"Well, I'd bring you, but you're still a little weak, plus since you're human again, you're more vulnerable to other vampires that could be lurking around," Jacob stated.

" go off on your little mission to bring Liam back and I'll just stay here and wait to be taken by Kristillier," I spat, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring a bit at Jacob. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"You're trying to state your point so I feel guilty and take you right?" Jacob asked, knowing the point I wanted to be made.

"Maybe," I answered, rolling my eyes.

"Look, Anna, if I take you, you are at a very high risk of getting hurt or killed, and I won't see that happen to you. You've gone through so much already and I wish that it didn't have to be like that. So just stay here, please. I'll be back as soon as I can," he promised as he turned and left me alone.

I sat on the bed and wrung my hands together. What am I going to do?" I thought to myself. Kristillier could be outside the house just waiting to be let in so he could take me. I hated my human self, with fear clinging to me all the time. It had been easier to turn off my emotions when I was a vampire. I looked outside and saw that the sky was beginning to darken, signaling that night was approaching.

"Please hurry," I whispered to nothingness, but hoped that my thoughts would reach Jacob. A sudden crash from downstairs startled me. I wanted to hide, but I stayed frozen with my heart in my throat.

I sat and listened and didn't hear anything, so I relaxed the slightest. My pulse quickened again as my knob on the door began to slowly turn. On instinct, I leapt from the bed and ran to the door, reaching it just in time to lock the door to keep whoever it was, out.

I stood a moment, breathing in quick little breaths from running quickly to the door and from fear. The knob jiggled, the person or whoever it was, trying to get in. After trying the door several times, it stopped. I let out a small sigh of relief, before the door crashed open.

The amount of force that came from the door, sent me flying backwards in the air. I flew back against the front headboard on the bed. My head striking it and opened a gash where I felt it begin to bleed.

I cried out in pain and my hand instantly went to the wound where it came away red with blood. I whimpered in pain and became aware that someone was nearing me. A low throaty growl came from the person in front of me.

I looked up to see Kristillier getting down on a knee, his fangs sliding over his lower lip with hunger in his eyes. Suddenly Jacob, followed by Liam, came rushing into the room. Jacob just caught my eye before Kristillier sank his fangs into my neck.

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