Chapter Twenty-Two

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Kristillier's eyes lit up.

"You will? Well, that didn't take much for you to give in," he said with a nasty smile.

"You better take me or whatever you're doing before Jacob or Erebus come here and find you," I said with sternness. Kristillier nodded and then took my hand and we were off. We arrived later at Kristillier's mansion and we headed inside. Chills of fear raced up and down my spine. I tried my best not to be afraid, but it was hard not to with my loved ones lives on the line.

I followed Kristillier down to the secret area where Anya, Sebastian and Erebus's caskets were. I went inside and found a place to sit and waited for Kristillier, but I didn't see him by the door.

"Kris?" I called out. No answer. I then heard the soft wisp of air come from behind me and I realized it was Kristillier. I felt a sting of brief pain and I fell to the floor unconscious. When I came to I wasn't surprised to find myself shackled to the wall of the secret room. A soft recognizable chuckle came off to the side of me as I turned and saw Kristillier approaching me. "Was shackling me really necessary?" I asked him as he stood in front of me.

"Yes, I was taking precautions so you wouldn't be able to escape and go running back to Jacob," Kristillier answered.

"I told you that I would help you," I said.

"But how would I know to trust you?" he asked.

"Well, after chasing and hunting me down for the zillionth time, I would've thought you could trust me," I answered.

"I highly doubt that," he said.

"So what? Am I just going to sit here or are you going to bore me to death?" I asked in annoyance. Kristillier let out a small laugh.

"Oh no, I won't get started with you right away. I'll give you some time," Kristillier said as he bent down to my level. I raised my eyes to his and his eyes lowered to gaze at my lips. "I still don't know what it is about you, but you are simply everything I could ever want," he purred.

"Why do you tell me this when you know I don't care?" I asked him, trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

"Because in time, I know you will care," he said softly as he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. My breath caught in my throat as I stiffened. "Tomorrow you'll give up everything and become mine and only mine," he said as he rose and left the room, leaving me to sit alone in the dark. I sat there for awhile feeling afraid, but I promised myself I would get out ok. I called out my powers and the soft glow of light came to my hands. They ran up to the shackles and slipped within the locks, unlocking the bindings from my wrists. The shackles fell to the floor with a soft clatter.

I stood up and let light out from my hands to brighten the darkened room. I started towards the caskets and found that the red roses on Anya's casket were no longer the bright red crimson, but now darkened and grey with lifeless color.

 As I neared her casket I noticed some small etchings carved into the white wood. "He will never stop, never leave until his army rises and sets all Hell free. Her power is strong, her power is bright. She's the only hope in bringing him down in the final fight." I felt my pulse quicken as I read over the message. 

Anya had known that Kristillier was going to do this, but possibly most likely going to warn me about it so I would be prepared. Kristillier must've found out which is why he killed her that one night.

I then realized she had Erebus work out a plan to teach me to use my powers so someone else would have the secret. I looked below Anya's message and saw four little words, The Light of Life. I almost fell over. My powers could bring people back from the dead, and my powers of light I know could guide me through troubled situations.

I covered my forehead with my hand piecing one thing together after the other. Why was all of this coming to me now? I sighed and stepped away from the caskets, my light slowly faded out. I went back over to the wall and sat down pondering what to do next. It probably wouldn't be too much longer before Kristillier came back for me.

I was right. Kristillier walked into the room and flicked the lights on.

"You got out," he said flatly, as he came to me.

"Sorry, my wrists were getting tired," I said softly. He forced a small smile and stroked my cheek gently.

"It's almost time for us to begin the ritual. How're you feeling?" he asked.

"Excited, a bit nervous too," I answered with a small lie. I was surely not excited for this.

"I promise you Anna, this is going to be quick and very easy," Kristillier said.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked nervously.

"No, I swear that it will be quick and painful," he said stroking my shoulder.

"Painful?" I asked, beginning to panic.

"Oh, oops. I meant painless," Kristillier said, correcting himself. I was beginning to have second thoughts about all of this, but I knew if I changed my mind, people were going to die. Also, there would be no chance of bringing Liam back to his normal self. Kristillier saw my worry. "Hey, hey, it's all going to be ok," he said in a soothing tone. I let out a small sigh and looked up at Kristillier.

"So, what happens after I help you bring back your army of vampires?" I asked.

"Well, I was hoping that you would rule along side of me, then I wouldn't have to worry about you going back to Jacob, Erebus, and Liam to try and defeat me," Kristillier said.

"Isn't it obvious though? Jacob and Erebus were planning on destroying you anyways," I said.

"I think we should start the ritual before someone comes in and ruins everything," Kristillier said, without a word to my comment. He led me over to a chair and had me sit down. He then left the room, leaving me to wait. He returned a few moments later, but I found that he had returned with a helper, one that had "helped" me in the past, and my was I shocked to see her.

It was Selene.

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