Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day I went downstairs and found Jacob sitting alone in the kitchen.

"Morning," I greeted as I approached him. Jacob returned a small nod without a word. He looked so worn down, but I could understand why being the guard dog of Liam's cell.

"Is Liam awake?" I asked Jacob.

"Yeah he is. You'll probably surprise him with your visit," Jacob said tiredly. I held back the urge to chuckle and walked past Jacob and headed downstairs to the cells. I approached Liam's cell when I got to the bottom of the stairs and looked through the small little window on the cell door. It was mostly dark and shadowed inside the cell.

"Liam?" I called softly. I heard a low groan and I looked over to the right in the back corner of the cell. Liam, sat with his knees up by his chest and his arms resting on his knees. Liam's face was a pale grey and he was shivering. Seeing him like this reminded me of Liam was at the mansion when Erebus was holding him captive. "God he looks awful" I thought to myself feeling pity of Liam.

I unlocked the cell door and slipped inside, shutting the door quickly behind me. I slowly walked up to Liam, feeling a bit worried. I bent down to Liam's level and looked him in the face.

"Liam, are you ok?" I asked him softly. Liam didn't respond. Without hesitation I bit into my wrist and held it out to him. I waited and then Liam being quicker than I thought, snatched my wrist in his grasp and brought my wrist to his mouth. He began to feed off me hungrily and I knew Jacob had taken away Liam's feeding supply.

When Liam was finished, he let go of my wrist and nodded a thanks.

"Liam, what's the last thing you remember before Kristillier changed you?" I asked him.

"I remember being held in a cell and then you came down to get me out," he answered. I bit my lip remembering that moment as well.

"You don't remember anything at all after Kristillier turned your humanity off?" I asked Liam.

"Why do you waste your time asking me these senseless questions?" Liam snapped.

"Because I want to fix you, I want my Liam back! The one who would protect me under any condition, the one who loved me to death, the one I want to spend eternity with," I said, almost helplessly. Liam looked at me, a muscle in his jaw jumped.

"There's nothing you can do to fix me," he mumbled and looked away from me. I sighed and neared Liam a bit more causing him to flinch slightly so I stopped.

"I just want to help you Liam," I said softly and slowly slipped my hand into his. He looked at me again and I could see all the pain and suffering he held within him, and it broke my heart. Without thinking, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. That connection I'd missed feeling, jolted through me like an electric current. I could sense Liam's surprise, but I wasn't going to stop just yet.

I wrapped my arms around Liam's neck and I hoped that Liam would feel something. Slowly, I felt Liam's hands slide onto my waist as he pulled me closer to him. A low growl rumbled in his chest and a smile came upon my mouth as I knew that the real Liam, my Liam, was coming back.

Liam pulled away and I looked into his icy blue eyes, hoping for the best.

"Why'd you do that?" Liam asked me after a moment.

"Because I love you Liam. I am yours and you are mine," I said with a small smile. Liam sighed and let go of my waist and took my arms off of his neck. I gazed up at him in confusion as he stood up and walked to the other side of the cell with his back to me. I didn't understand this. That connection I'd felt, it was real. I cursed lightly under my breath and hung my head.

"Anna, you just need to leave. I don't have feelings of and for you, and you can't fix me because I'm far from being myself again," Liam said not facing me. Knowing it was no use to try and argue, I got to my feet and headed to the door.

I looked at Liam one final time, before I opened the door and walked out. I closed the door behind me and locked it. I headed back upstairs and saw that Jacob was nowhere to be found and that the area was silent. Feeling my instincts kick it, I listened and used my vampire senses. Everything seemed normal, but I felt something was off. It was never this quiet in the house. I'd always been able to pick up Jacob's presence, but there was nothing there.

I started for the living room and when I got there, I realized I hadn't been alone. Kristillier sat in one of the black leather armchairs and sitting as if expecting me.

"Ah, Anna, how nice of you to show up once again. You're looking better than ever," Kristillier crooned, his eyes glimmered. I let out a shaky breath as I slowly walked toward Kristillier.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"Why am I here? Why am I- Why for you dearest! I came back for you like I always will. I came back for the one I want by my side when I lead my army of Original vampires," he explained.

"I already told you, I'm not helping you," I growled.

"Oh pity, I really thought you'd help me if you really cared to save Liam's life," Kristillier said trying to act distraught.

"I do care about saving Liam, but I don't care if I help you or not," I snarled.

"Quite an attitude you've got. Something I've always admired about you," Kristillier purred rising from his chair approaching me. He came behind me and I stiffened at his nearness. Kristillier pressed himself against my back and brought his face next to mine. I felt his hands slide around the front of my stomach and I whimpered. "Oh, there love, no need to be afraid," he said through a soft chuckle. I pressed my lips together to fight against oncoming tears I felt begin to build up in my eyes. "Now, Anna, I'm giving you a choice. You can either join me and help me raise my army of vampires or, I can kill everyone you know and love. It would sure be a pity if I had to kill your close friend Kayleigh. You two spent a lot of time together, did you not?" Kristillier asked and waited.

"We did," I said, my voice cracking.

"You wouldn't want me to kill her then. You'd never see her again," Kristillier said softly.

"Kristillier, stop this please," I pleaded, the tears finally falling. Kristillier turned me around to face him and I felt his hand gently brush my tears away as he gazed down at me.

"I gave you a choice love, I need an answer," he said. I raised my eyes to his emerald ones.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, fear building up inside of me like it had many times before.

"Because I need you, I want you so badly it hurts, and seeing you with Liam and Jacob just leaves me disgusted. You'd be better off with me," he said softly as he caressed my cheek gently. My choices were short, help Kristillier or people I loved and cared about were going to die. I made my choice and looked Kristillier in the eyes.

"I'll help you," I said and I then knew my fate had been sealed as those words left my lips.

The Choices That are Made (Book Three of Hidden Secret Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now