Chapter Thirty-One

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At 11:30 p.m. me, Kristillier and his army headed out with Kristillier and I were ahead of his army.

"So, where exactly are we going to fight this war?" I asked as I walked by Kristillier's side.

"There's a clearing a few miles away that's bathed in moonlight, that's where we fight," he answered. I nodded and became quiet. We walked for several more minutes before I saw the dark line of Evergreen trees ahead of us.

We walked into them and soon we stepped into the clearing. Kristillier was right, the entire grassy area was bathed in a pale white glow as the full moon shown brightly overhead. As we walked further in the clearing, I noticed a large mass of something across from us. Liam's army. We got closer until we were about 40 yards away before we stopped and faced Liam's army.

"Liam, I'm glad to see you could make it," Kristillier said with a chilling smile. I began to step towards Liam when his eyes met my own, but Kristillier grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Let her go, Kristillier," Liam growled.

"Oh, no. She's here to help me, not you, Liam," Kristillier answered, stroking my cheek. My eyes constricted in sorrow as I looked to Liam. "Now, before we start this, I have a little gift as an offer," Kristiiler said as one of his men took ahold of me. I struggled, but he held firm. "Now, Anna. I believe you came to me looking for Jacob. Well, I lied to you. I had him the entire time and you fell for everything I told you," he said.

Suddenly, one of Kristillier's other men came forward with Jacob ahead of him.

"Jacob!" I cried out, pulling to break free and save him. Jacob was brought up infront of Kristillier and forced to his knees. Kristillier gazed at the back of Jacob and smiled.

"Now, you called me out for being a liar, Anna. After all, what is a lie?" Kristillier asked me and paused before continuing. "A lie, is the easiest thing to say to someone, but the worst thing about being lied to, is knowing you weren't worth the truth," he finished. His eyes met my own and before I could do anything, Kristillier's hand shot forward and buried itself in Jacob's chest. Not a second later, Kristillier ripped Jacob's heart out, letting him crumble to the ground.

A feeling of horror and anger hit me as I collaped to my knees letting out a scream followed by an angry sob. I looking up through blurry eyes to see Kristillier slip on a mask similar to mine over his face, his right hand bloody. Off in the distance, the sound of church bells rang, signifying it was midnight.

With a loud cry, Kristillier's army surged forward, followed by Liam's army doing the same. Outraged cries of anger and pain filled my ears as I sat staring at Jacob's lifeless body, but I wasn't going to let Kristillier get the ending he wanted. I took to my feet and gathered myself before going in for the fight.

All around me, werewolves were tearing Original vampires to shreds, while vampires fought hand to hand. I saw some Originals going after another younger vampire, so I took after them, setting the Originals aflame and ripping their hearts out. Little by little, the number alive began to decrease and I was able to get a better look at who was still alive.

I looked for Liam, when I was plowed into by one of Kristillier's men. I struggled to get him off of me, but he outweighed me, so there was no escape. As I began to surge fire to my hands, a blow to the head stopped me. I felt the Original put his legs down on my wrist, pinning me to the ground. He took out a stake from his belt and raise it high, but before he could bring it down, a big dark brown werewolf soared throught the air and jumped onto the Original vampire before ripping his throat out.

The vampire's cries of agony filled my ears, but I closed my eyes and tried to block it out. I managed to get back on my feet to see Liam standing over an Original he'd just killed. Then my eyes traveled over to Kristillier who stood a few feet away, stake in hand. Kristillier began to step towards Liam and I knew what he was going to do.

I rushed forward and shoved Liam out of the way before Kristillier could make his mark. I was about the knock the stake away with my forearm and then lunged at Kristillier, sending us both to the ground.

"Hello, Anna," Kristillier purred, his green eyes glinting under the full moon. He shoved me off of him, sending me on my back. He climbed ontop of me before I could move and I struggled beneath him.

"You bastard!" I spat. Kristillier chuckled.

"Such a fighter, yet too weak to take me down. That's sad Anna. I just killed your dearly beloved lover right infront of your eyes and you could've done anything to stop me, yet you fall to your knees and cry. Not what I expected," he said as he removed a stake from his belt. "You know, I'm really going to hate killing you since I was so fond of you, but if you still won't help me I guess I'll just have to find a replacement," he said as he ran the stake down my neck, then my chest, making me squirm more beneath him.

"You abuse your power, Kristillier. You could never see the better side to yourself and come out of your greed," I said looking up at him.

"But greed can such a powerful ally. It's what has kept me going all this time. The greed of having you and your power, so we could become one," he purred, a smirk raising at his lips. 

I was trying to think of a way out of this and remembered the stakes Kristillier had given me earlier. In one swift movement, I grabbed the stake and gouged it into Kristillier's side. He cried out in pain and with him distracted, I shoved him off before jumping ontop of him.

"Yes, but what you forgot Kristillier, is greed makes a man blind and foolish, making him an easy prey for death," I growled close to his face. He suddenly kneed me in the stomach, causing me to roll off of him. He shot to his feet and kicked me hard, sending me sprawling. I was on all fours and turned to watch him approach. I got to my feet as he charged and grabbed me. At his speed, he flew me into a tree. The impact took my breath away and I stood, trying to get my breath back.

"Now, we finish this, but I'm going to finish you slowly," he said as he leaned down, his lips brushed against my neck. I felt them travel down lower, when my hand shot forward, burying itself into his chest.

"No, you won't. One thing I learned, is you can't fix yourself by breaking someone else," I whispered in his ear before I pulled my hand out, taking his heart with it. Kristillier grunted and fell away from me and slumped to the ground, finally finished.

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