My Last Romance [01]

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The next morning,

Sakura woke up early. She then went down stairs and did her usual routines.

After she ate breakfast, a knock on the door was heard.

Knock. Knock.

"Coming!" She called out and headed towards the door. She opened it and saw none other than her blonde teammate, Naruto Uzumaki.

"Good morning Sakura-chan!"

"Naruto, what are you doing here?" She asked.

He beamed her a Chesire-cat like smile and replied, "Sakura-chan, Granny has a surprise for us at the Hokage tower--"

"Let me guess, Sasuke's back."

Instantly the Jinchuuriki gaped. "H-How did you know?" He managed to asked in disbelief.

Sakura sighed.

"Well, secrets just couldn't be kept to villagers, you know."

Naruto laughed. "Haha. Yeah, you're right about that! Anyway, come on! Teme's waiting for us!"


"H-Huh? Hey, Sakura-chan are you alright? It's Sasuke we're talking about, dattebayo!"

"Naruto, I said no."

"But why?"

"I..I have duty at the hospital today, and--"

"Here." Her bestfriend soon handed her a scroll. Sakura took and stared at it. "Okay, what is this?"

This time, Naruto was the one who sighed and shrugged. "Granny told me to give you that scroll the moment you use the 'duty at the hospital' excuse."

She cocked an eyebrow and opened the scroll:

Dear Sakura,

I am giving you another day off today. So that you have no reason to deny my request to see your long-time crush here at the tower *wink* You and your team need to cope up and have some kind of bonding time together anyway. Enjoy!

~Tsunade Senju

P.S. You can thank me by sending me a bottle of my favorite brand of sake later.

She sweat dropped.

P.P.S. But if you're kind enough and grateful that I trained you for three whole years and made you stronger than you were, make it two.

Sakura almost face-palmed.

Ugh. Shishou!

"So? What do you say Sakura-chan?" Naruto impatiently asked. She sighed, for the nth time and forcedly nodded. "Let's just go."

Closing the scroll back, they then went to the Hokage tower.


Knock. Knock.

"Yo Granny! We're here!" The blonde yelled from behind the door. "Come in already!" They heard her shout and slowly went in.

The room was guarded by several ANBUs. There, Lady Tsunade was, sitting on her desk behind a pile of paper works. They them roamed their eyes and found,



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