My Last Romance [06]

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"Okay, shishou.. Would that be all?"

I asked the blonde Hokage as I checked the things she requested me to buy. I already handed the medical report to her earlier, but she said that she's staying overnight here at the office, and needed something to eat. And so, which leads us to our current situation now.

"Oh! And buy me a bottle of sake or two." She winked at me and handed me the money. I suspiciously looked at her. "A bottle of sake, or two?"


"By two, you usually mean two times two.."

She sighed. "Okay, you caught me. Make it four!" "Not four times four?" I questioned at which she affectedly glared. "I do not drink that much!... on week days..." I laughed at her reply.

As I turned to leave, I counted the money, just in time before I reached the door. "Shishou, the money you gave me lacks 10 Ryo!"

"Then, you might as well use your money for the mean time." She grinned and ushered me out. I growled and obeyed.


"That would be... 24 Ryo Ma'am." The cashier said as I gave him the money. I grabbed the groceries and proceeded towards the tower.

But since that, it is my bad day, I just had to cross, "Uchiha..." again.

He snapped his head towards mu direction as he leaned on the lamp post. All by himself. God, where is Naruto when you need him?

"Sakura." I stared at him with no emotion as I almost, almost passed the bastard.

He grabbed hold of my arm. I jerked my head to him and gave the coldest, "What?" He was taken aback by my reply, but soon shifted back to being stoic.

"We need to talk." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"There is nothing to talk about."

"There is." I glared at him.

"Then, what is it? Sa-su-ke-kun?" I spat out the suffix. He narrowed his eyes. "Why are you acting like this?"

"Pft. Like you'd give a damn."

And with that, I continued walking to my destination. But the hard-headed duck king just had to walk beside me. I stopped and turned to him.

"What is your problem?!"

"No Haruno, what is your problem?"

I can't take this anymore! "Just leave me alone." He smirked and forcedly snatched my grocery bag. "Hn. Where to?"

I cocked him an eyebrow that in body language said, 'Are you F*cking serious?' But as expected, "Yes, I am."

I rolled my eyes again, and sighed. Heh, let's see how he can handle awkward silence. "To the Hokage tower." I nonchalantly said and walked ahead.


Bare with me if the chapters are short. I just write this out of experimental desire :)

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