My Last Romance [33]

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"Sakura, stop!"

She smirked. "How can I stop if the fun has just begun, Sasuke?" She charged towards me with a kunai at full speed. I panted as I prepared my katana.

We had been fighting for more than an hour now after she lead me here to the Team Seven training grounds.


She almost got my left eye again a while ago. Did Madara told her to do that? Get my eyes? But, why.. Why on Earth does that corpse need it?


I blocked her attack again, for the hundredth time. No. I never attack her. I just can't. Sakura isn't doing this on her free will on the first place, so why would I? Well, as if I could even if it complies her will. As far as I know, my great, great grandfather is just hypnotizing her to kill me.

So I have to do everything I can to get her back to her senses.

"Sakura, please! Stop this!"

She glared at me. "Heh. I never thought that this girl can be your weakness, Uchiha.. how pitiful."

"Who the hell are you?"

She leaped away and threw shurikens at me. I leaped in the air to avoid it.

This can't keep going forever.

I need to think of something to snap her back to herself, as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I don't have any clue on how to break the jutsu he casted on her. "Kuso!" She cursed and punched the ground, making a large crater appear beneath us. I leaped to a far-distanced tree and watched her gracefully land on the massive destruction.

"Come back here, you coward!"

"Sakura, damn it! It's me, Sasuke! Stop this!" I screamed as she did some hand signs.

Tiger. Rabbit. Dragon. Bore. Rabbit. Dog.

"Shadow Technique: Deadly Blades!"

And in an instance, blades of all sizes appeared from the shadows the bright moonlight gave the nearby trees. My eyes widened. When on Earth did she learned that?!

"Try getting out of that, Sasuke-kun."

I activated my Sharingan again to cope with their movements. And, wait a minute.. they.. they are circling me at an incredible speed!

"Sakura! I know you're in there, stop!"

I heared her laughed as a blade cut my arm. My vision became a little blurry as the shadow blades attacked me one by one. I try shielding myself with my sword, but it's hard to follow their movements. My one open eye now is slightly weakening from all the events as my left one, still bleeds.

"Shut the hell up! I am Sakura! Now fight back, or else you're dead!"

She yelled at me. I just closed my eyes and recalled the times she was still in love with me. The times I wasted not so long ago..


I love you. With all.. my heart.


The girl I lost.

And so, I dropped my katana and stood straight. Feeling each blade cut deeper and deeper into my flesh. I can't fight back.. even if my life depended on it. I just.. can't hurt her.

"Why aren't you fighting back?! You fool!" She growled in a deep baritone voice. Then, I felt the blades stopped moving and fell to the ground. I just kept my eyes closed the whole time as I heard her footsteps come nearer to where I am.

"Is it because, I am still weak in your eyes? Is that why you aren't fighting back?! Answer me!" She demanded.


"Answer me! Before I kill you.."

I took a deep breathe and opened my onyx eyes to meet her yellow ones. I looked straight into her soul.

"No. I never thought of that seriously, Sakura. You are not weak. I never meant anything negative I said back then." I answered as I held her shoulders. She gave me a wicked smile.

"Then why aren't you fighting me, huh?" She barked and got her kunai from her pouch.

She positioned it on my left eye which I still couldn't open from the wound I got earlier.

She dug it in.


And deeper..

"..Because Itachi is right." She then embedded the knife inside my eye socket. I winced in pain as the blood poured out and it hurts like hell, but shrugged it off to continue.

"About what?" She asked in an amused tone while proceeding to get my eyes.

"That love is a weakness, Sakura.."

She stopped when I said that. She had a shocked facial expression at first, as her body began to shake later on. Her yellow sharp eyes, sparked forest green for a second before returning back to yellow.

I smirked.

"S-Sasuke..." it was my angel's soft voice calling me. She's breaking free from the jutsu.

"No! I am her hatred, and I will get him his eyes." A much deeper voice replied and stabbed my left eye socket with a kunai.

"Gaaaah!!" I screamed. I hurts, so much. But I know that I need to endure it for her. And so I wrapped my arms around her as more and more blood stain us.

I feel weaker and weaker as each second passes.

"Sakura, please... you know I care for you. You, yourself once told me hatred can't take you anywhere."

"No... no..."

It's working.

"Sakura, you have to fight back! Remember the night I left the village when we were Genins? Sakura, when you confessed your love to me, my heart literally skipped a beat.. and for the first time in the history of my lonely childhood life, I put a second-thought on my decision.. do you know why?"

"Stop! Stop it! Sto-- S-Sasuke...."

I took a deep breathe as her arms fell on her sides. She was glaring at me with yellow mixed green eyes while crying.

Just a little more.

"Sakura... because for the first time since my family died, I found something I need to protect. That is you... not because I see you as a weak asset. But because I see you as my weakness.. and recalling my brother's words... love is a weakness,Haruno.."

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!" She screamed and fell on her knees. I knelt down to suppoert her as she opened her beautiful emerald green eyes again.


I smiled.

"I love you, Sakura.."

And with that, she hugged me. With shaky hands, I hugged her back as I heard her whispered the words I longed to hear from her..

"I love you, too."


Last two chapters up next guys :)

And so, just like my other stories, we will be having a "Question&Answer" portion in the Author's Note. It could be for me, or the characters.

Just comment below, and rock n' roll ツ

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