My Last Romance [26]

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Sasuke's POV

After I dragged her to a nearby cave, she fell asleep a few minutes later as she sat, leaning on the cave's cold stone wall. The rain is still pouring down though.

I looked at her.

She looks so beautiful.

Her soft, pastel pink hair.. Her fair and smooth creamy skin. Her expertly crafted face, everything. But still, I wish I can see her green forest eyes again. No, not just because they're shut, that I couldn't see them. It's because, whenever I look at them, they resemble darkness..

Her eyes lost their sparkle.

And I know exactly why..

It's because of me..

I made her like this. Now, she's as cold as ice. She shuts all her emotions for she never wants to break her heart that I already broken a long time ago, again. And to speak of that, I understand her. No, not when I was a kid, but now. I now understand how it feels like to be ignored by the one you cherish..

By your precious person.

By her..

But even so, I'm going to bring back the lost sparkle in her viridian eyes. I'm going to make her feel loved again. And this time,

"I won't leave you..."

I said and inched closer to tuck away stray strands of hair in her face. Placing it behind her ears, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. After that, I wrapped my arms around her to give her warmth.

And I smiled.

Oh, Kami. How much I love this woman in my arms. I now regained this feeling.. this feeling I thought I lost when my family died. This feeling that I chose to ignore whenever I got near her all those years. The feeling, that I feared to recieve and lose all over again..

Is the same feeling I hold for Sakura.

And because of that...

"I promise to protect you."


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