My Last Romance [30]

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It was night time.

7:45 pm. To be exact.

Naruto left a while ago. Leaving me all alone.. and scared.

Telling you that I'm scared may be a complete understatement. Because I am terrified. What can I do now? I found nothing to break Madara's jutsu. Nothing. Now, not even the Hokage herself can save me, Sasuke, or this village.

I gazed out the window and at the starry night heavens. The moon is at it's full beauty, and I know that any minute now, I can lose my consciousness and be put under his command.

All is lost now..

No, no! As long as Sasuke is guarded by the ANBU behind cold jail bars, I couldn't hurt him to get what Madara wants..

His eyes.

And as long as I hold on to that fact, nothing horrible will happen. I hope...

"I'll see you on the night of your birthday."

His last words to me repeated in my mind. Oh no.. No. He can't see me tonight! Or else when Madara's hypnotizing jutsu will take effect and he'll easily get his eyes! Oh God, please tell me what Sasuke said is a complete lie--


Jesus.. I stood up with wide eyes. There Sasuke stood in front of me with an intense stare. He came.. no.


He walked closer as I took a step back. He gave me a questioning look but shrugged it off. "Hn. Happy Birthday, Sakura." I shook my head. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack any minute now. "S-Sasuke, get away from me!" I yelled at him.

"Look, I know that you still hate me. But Sakura, I--"

"No! Just get out of here, before it's too late! Go away!"


"Damn it! I said go awa--" but before I could finish what I was going to say, he took hold of my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. His onyx bore into mine. "Sakura, please.. calm down."

Calm down, huh?

I am going to kill you and get your eyes to help Madara Uchiha destroy the whole Leaf village, but you want me to calm down?

"Sasuke.. I'm not mad at you anymore. Just.. go away. Stay away from me before something happens." I nearly pleaded. But as hard headed as he is, he just smirked and slowly leaned down towards me.

His lips touched mine.

I froze for a minute as his eyes were shut closed. Our lips were still in lock, though. Is he really kissing me? In this kind of situation? Oh my. But as we were still in that position, memories of our past raced through my mind. Memories, I thought I burned a long time ago..


Hn. You're annoying.

You're abilities are lower than of Naruto's.

If you have time to disturb me, go practice a jutsu or two.

Sakura, your abilities to determine a genjutsu, is the most improved in our team.

Sakura, you're heavy..

Please.. just stay here with me.

I love you, with all my heart.


Thank you.

I didn't noticed that I was already crying. And so, I kissed him back. But not a few seconds after that, I pulled away and clutched my head.


I screamed as I closed my eyes tightly.

"Sakura! What's happening?!"

You will get me his eyes...

"I'm so sorry, Sasuke-kun."


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