My Last Romance [11]

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As I reached my destination, I sighed.

I calmly walked up the stairs as if a traitor didn't stole anything from our village. I only had an emotionless face on when I knocked. No response.

She's drunk again.

I opened the tall wooden doors and to my hypothesis, I'm correct. There on her desk was a blonde Hokage, sleeping soundly while bottles of sake were lying on the floor. To estimate the number, I'd say, fifteen to twenty bottles?

Anyway, I walked up to her and fakely coughed. When it seems like it didn't brought an effect, I took a deep breathe and scream,


She immediately shot up. "WHAT THE HELL!? SAKURA, CALL THE GUARDS!!!! DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!!" I smirked at her when she realized it was only a trick.

"What?" She grunted. "Well, a traitor stole a scroll from the Hokage vault a few minutes earlier and just left." I simply stated. Her face became serious by then. "You mean..?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"I knew he was a bastard."

I nodded. Knowinhg clearly that he is and that's what he will ever be to us. A cold-hearted bastard who betrayed the village. "Should I call the ANBU after him? Or inform the council for his assasination?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"Sakura, I don't know what's going on with you this very moment.. But don't worry. Let him be, let him do what he wants, let him get his revenge."

"But, Lady Tsunade--"

"Shut up. From now on, I will never hear his pleas again. He will never set foot on this village for the rest of his whole damn life even if Konoha depended on it. He will never call this village 'home' again, for he is now banned from it."

I frowned at her decision.

I think it's best if we get him assasinated instead..


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