My Last Romance [28]

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"Well, all in all, I am glad you are safe. So don't you ever run away like that, again. Am I making myself clear?" Lady Tsunade said after I explained what happened to me.

I nodded. "Hai, shishou."

She smiled. "You are dismissed."


I didn't told her what really happened to me. I just told her that I ran into some rouge ninjas and got kidnapped by them. I then told her that I found an opportunity and escaped, but got a high fever in return. That, is when Uchiha found me.

I know, I lied to her.

But I don't want to make her think that I'm still weak to even handle this kind of situation. I want to prove myself to her, to them.

The moment we entered the office earlier, a couple of ANBU escorts took Sasuke away to begin his sentence. Did he turn himself in? Why? What made him do it? Well that, I would never find out.

But the creepy thing is, before he-- I mean they left, he walked close to me and whispered in my ear: "I'll see you on the night of your birthday."

The night of the full moon.

And that's tomorrow.

And so, I spared no time and rushed to the Hokage's library to find something for my problem.

I just hope I can fix this before it's too late.



I snapped my eyes open and turned to the voice. I sighed. "Oh, its just you, Shizune-san." She smiled at me and stepped closer. "What are you doing here at this hour? Shouldn't you be in your apartment?" I gave her a confused look. "Why? What time is it?"

"Well.. about 7:30 pm."

"WHAT?! I slept for freakin' five hours?!"

She nodded. "I'm afraid so."

Damn! Me and my habit of sleeping in libraries! And I haven't even found what I was looking for yet!

"What were you looking for, Sakura?"

I snapped my head to her. I have to lie.

"Oh, um.. just some medical treatments and stuff. Haha.. you know me!" I plastered a fake smile on. It was a good thing she bought it though. "Okay, then. I think you should be heading already, though. It is getting quite dark outside."

I nodded and left the library.

Ugh. What the hell am I going to do now?


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