My Last Romance [29]

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Warning: Slight NaruSaku


"Yosh! Old man, give me another bowl will ya? Make it two!"

Naruto ordered with his irritating loud voice. I sighed. Oh, will he ever change?

"N-Naruto-kun, please not s-so loud." Hinata requested as she timidly blushed as she sat beside him. "Heh, Hinata's right, baka! Keep it down a bit! A lazy bum is sleeping over here!" Ino joined in as she smirked when the said 'lazy bum' opened his eyes and glared at her.

"You're the noisy one Ino.. Tsk. Girls are so troublesome.." he commented before closing his eyes again.

I shook my head amusingly. We are all now at Ichiraku's Ramen shop for lunch to celebrate my birthday. All of Konoha 12 is present. Except Sasuke, so Sai came in his honor.

Yey. ( note the sarcasm )

"Hey Ugly, why do you look sad? Isn't it your birthday?" Sai asked as the others turned to look at me.

True. All of them are having fun, except for me. Well, why would I celebrate when tonight is the night I dreaded to come. The night of the full moon. The night I'm suppose to get Sasuke's eyes for Madara against my own free will. And as depressing as it seems, I haven't found anything useful in the Hokage library to help with my situation..

"Sakura, is everything all right?" Asked TenTen, as her and Neji stopped bickering.

"Yeah, Sakura. You *munch* look sick. Do you have a fever or something?" -Chouji

"Oh, my youthful Blossom, do you want me to take you home?" -you know who.

Looks of concern darted my direction. I gulped. I can't tell them the truth, and so like I always do, I lied. "I'm fine. Maybe I'm just a little stressed from the hospital work, that's all." I fake smiled. Sai looked at me with doubt. "Are you sure?"

"Y-Yeah! No worries. Look, I think I should go home no--"

"Do you want me to walk you home, my beautiful Cherry Blossom?"

I sighed. "No Lee. I can walk home myself, I have feet you know." After that, I stood up and turned on my heel.

"Just have fun without me. Ja ne."


Knock. Knock.

"Sakura-chan? Are you in there?"

I rose up from my lying position in bed. Ever since I left the shop five hours ago, I just plopped down on my queen-sized bed doing nothing. What else can I do? All hope is lost now. But I'll do whatever I can to restrain myself from doing wrong. As long as Sasuke is in the ANBU custody, he'll be safe. Konoha will be safe.

From me.


Naruto. "Come in." He opened the door of my room and walked in with a smile. Don't ask how he got in my apartment. He knows where I hide the spare key, after all. He went closer and sat beside me on my bed.

"Happy Birthday, Sakura-chan!" He greeted and handed me a small box wrapped in paper. I can clearly tell he was the one who wrapped it because it was.. um.. un-neat? Anyway, I opened it an saw..

"A kunai?"

He grinned wider. "Yeah! I polished it myself, believe it!" I cheered. I smiled. A genuine one. "Thank you, Naruto." He gave me a thumbs up, "Welcome!"

After a few minutes, he added. "You know, Sakura.. Teme should be here."

I looked at him. "Why is that?"

He smiled sadly, "Because he's the only one that can make you truly happy.. that bastard." I looked back at the kunai in my hand. "But he betrayed us, so many times."

"Yeah, but he is still our Sasuke. Never close your heart to someone you love, Sakura. Because in the end, you'll end up hurting yourself.."

Never close your heart, huh?

"Thanks again, Naruto.." I hugged him. Why did Kishimoto made his character so kind? I will never know.

"Oh, and one more thing." I said.

"What is it?"

"Protect Konoha from any harm.. Please protect it, from anyone."


Guys, new one-shot published:

"Sasuke's Issues" check it out on my profile :)

Arigatou! ♡

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