♥ My Last Romance Special ♥

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This chapter is not available here.

I separated the special chapters in my stories to make it feel special ;) and plus, I want only the willing readers to read it.

How to read this special?

*Go to my profile and click "Reading Lists"

*There, you will see a reading list entitled: EXTRAS.

*Go there and you will find a book with the title: "Something Special"

There is where you will find this special MLR SasuSaku chapter.

P.S. If you can't see it, then kindly follow me first and then go to that reading list. You can UNFOLLOW me later after you found it.

Here is the link>>


For those who can't read it, it's completely okay because that special chapter is NOT related with the next chapters in this story..

You will not be confused or what so ever.

Efforts, will be appreciated though :D

-MistyAnnE_04 ♡

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