Turn 29: The Nightmare Circus

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The next day...

"Hi brat, I need you to do me a favor."

"And now what is it?"

"Well, since you haven't been able to eliminate Shindou and his friend... I'm afraid we've decided to take you out of the competition."

"That was not the plan."

"I know, but your friends couldn't eliminate the Diffrider who opposes our plans."

Turn 29: The Nightmare Circus

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise. So... You better keep yours." said the person, who was nothing more and nothing less than Luna...

Minutes later...

"Wow, who would say it. That happens to underestimate your opponent, and more with someone who can generate large numbers with their units." said a blonde girl who was on the phone.

"Sorry. I think I underestimate her. Have success with your fights and I hope you don't run into guys from Team Ogre, they say they are very strong." A female voice replies.

"À qui croyez-vous parler? (Who do you think you are talking to?) I won't lose against those fools." At that moment Claudine's bracelet begins to sound.

"Sorry, I have notice of a fighter that is nearby. I must hang up." The person who came to where Claudine is Luna is still as inexpressive as when the tournament started.

"Ah..." both react when they see each other...

"Aren't you Hazuki Miyanagi? I must thank you for beating that sacrément égocentrique (damn egocentric) in Koshien." she said, who congratulated her for having defeated her rival in that occasion.

"I don't know French, but surely you should refer to Hashima-san." she thought. "I don't have much time, so let's start at once!" Luna replies.

"I see... So you go straight, I like it," says Claudine.

"Stand Up!" Claudine and Luna turn their starters upside down.

"Le Vanguard / Vanguard!"

"Silver Thorn Beast Tamer, Lolotte! / Pleasure Caster."

"You also use PaleMoon, Ce sera intéressant (This will be interesting). I'll go first, Ride! Silver Thorn Magician, Colette! Now Lolotte moves to (RC)." Claudine said, seeing that she and Luna used the same clan.

"Ride, Cutie Paratrooper, Pleasure moves. Attack." Said Luna, who made the first attack...

"No guard."

"Drive Check: No trigger." Luckily for Claudine, Luna doesn't take anything out during her drive check.

"Damage Check: Draw trigger, power Colette and draw a card." says Claudine, who takes one more card from his deck.

"Turn End." replies the pink-haired.

"That's weird, when I saw her at the Koshien she kept a kind and cheerful smile, but now she looks like a Yuki-onna." Claudine thought, as she looked at her opponent's face.

"Is something wrong, Saijo?" asks Luna.

"Rien (Nothing)... Ride! Silver Thorn Magician, Clemens. Call Lucamia, Cernay." says Claudine, who after riding, calls a grade two and a grade one.

"So now you go on the offensive..." Luna thought when she saw Claudine's move.

"With Cernay's support, Clemens attacks." Said Claudine, who started his counterattack, but... "Guard!" Luna defends himself against his opponent's attack.

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