Turn 36: The Curtain of Darkness

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The competition continued, and both Shion and Onimaru had already reached the top, but...

"Apparently Shion has already reached the top," said Chrono, who advanced with Tokoha.

"Yes, now we just have to get to the top and be the next team to clarify." she answers.

"That's only if I allow it, Tokoha-san." said a voice from the hall.

Turn 36: The Curtain of Darkness

"Luna?" Both gets surprised.

"We are two against one, do you think you can win against both, Luna?" Chrono asks.

"That's why I'll let you go Chrono-san ~" Luna replies with a very sweet tone.

"Chrono, go ahead... We promised Am we talk to Luna. So let me take care of this." Tokoha said with a serious look.

"Ok... When you propose something there is no way to change your mind, I'll see you at the top." Chrono smiles at her.

"Deal with that." she replies.

"I'm ready Luna." says Tokoha.

"Stand Up! Vanguard!"

"Augury Maiden, Ida / Pleasure Caster"

"Ride! Thrust Maiden Odett." Tokoha started riding his new grade one.

"Ride! Masquerade Bunny." said Luna, who called her grade one. "With the Pleasure Caster boost, Masquerade Bunny attacks!" Luna made her first attack.

"Drive check: no trigger." she adds, while Tokoha put her first card in her damage zone.

"It's my turn! Ride! Osmanthus Maiden, Anelma." Tokoha rides his grade two... "With Ida's boost, Anelma attacks!" Tokoha as Anelma attacks the Luna's Bunny Masquerade.

"No Guard!" Luna responds.

"Drive check: no trigger" says Tokoha, revealing a grade 3.

"Luna please, you're not like that. The Luna who learned to play Vanguard with Chrono was a kind and good girl." Tokoha added.

"Ride! Miss Direction." Luna called her grade two and put her in her (VC) "Now with the Pleasure Caster boost, Miss Direction attacks!"

"No guard!" Tokoha replies.

"Drive check: no trigger (Sentinel)" she bothers not to reveal anything again.

"Blossom into a new future! Flower Maiden of Searing Heart, Ahsha! Besides... I call Anelma." Tokoha was preparing a powerful attack to make Luna understand. "Now with Ida's boost, Ahsha attacks!" Tokoha attacks Luna again.

"No guard!" she answers.

"Twin drive: Critical trigger! Critical for Ahsha and [Power] for Anelma / No trigger." Tokoha reveals a critical trigger, who gives him the advantage.

"Damage check: critical trigger! / No trigger." Luna replied, who was still under the pressure of Tokoha's attack.

"Now... Anelma attacks!" Tokoha was attacking Luna again, but... "Guard!" Luna defends herself.

"Now it's my turn Tokoha-san... Ride! Masked Magician, Harri. Let the Show begin!" Luna said, putting on a face without emotions.

"This is not right..." Tokoha thought...

"Stride Generation! Crudelis Dragon Master, Janet. Harri stride Skill: I do Counter blast and Soul charge, now I call a unit and that unit gets [Power] + 5k. I call Ety, and thanks to her Skill I call Miss direction. Now I activate Janet's ability: I put Pleasure caster in the soul and call Masquerade Bunny instead, at the end of the shift I do Soul Charge... By the way my Masquerade bunny gets [Power] + 2k." Luna said smiling...

"At the end those units will return to their soul, but it is a cycle and will make me run out of defenses I am sure." Tokoha thought.

"Well, with Ety's boost, Miss Direction attacks Ahsha!" Luna said, who started attacking are his re-guard.

"Guard!" Tokoha managed to stop Luna's attack.

"I'm not done yet! Janet, kill her!" Luna attacked Tokoha again.

"No guard!" she answers.

"Triple Drive: No trigger / no trigger / Stand trigger! Everything for Miss Direction." Luna smiles.

"Damage check: critic trigger! Everything to Ahsha" Tokoha replies, but she didn't imagine Luna's plan...

"Now, Miss Direction attacks!" said Luna, who was attacking again...

"Sorry Luna, but my unit has more power." Tokoha replies.

"You think I didn't realize objective was Anelma." Luna adds, leaving Tokoha surprised and leaving Anelma in her Drop zone.

"Well, I admit you surprised me, but... How about this. Stride Generation! Dream-spinning Ranunculus, Ahsha. Ranunculus of Searing Heart, Ahsha Stride Skill: Counter blast and Soul blast, now I'm looking for another unit on my deck with the same name than the one in my field and I call her (RC) I call Ida, besides... I call Katrina / Anelma and Noel I activate the Ida Skill: now Anelma and Noel are treated like Katrina. I activate Ahsha's skill: I flip a Dream-spinning Ranunculus, Ahsha in my G zone and my front line earns more 5k." Tokoha said...

Tokoha was attacking with Katrina / Noel... "No guard answers Luna." Luna replies, dropping one more card in her damage zone.

"Now it's your turn Ahsha!" Tokoha as Ahsha was trying to give him the final blow "please Luna, open your eyes!" she adds, but...

"Perfect Guard!" Luna replies, who defends himself against Tokoha's attack.

"Triple Drive: no trigger / no trigger / Draw trigger can Ida and draw a card." says Tokoha, who performs his triple drive. "Not yet, with Ida's boost, Anelma attacks!" Tokoha adds.

"No guard!" Luna answers.

"Damage check: Heal trigger!" Luna smiles, who removes one of her damages and places it in her Drop zone.

"Stride Generation! Dreamiy Axel, Milward. I activate Harri's Stride kill: I pay a Counter blast and call Cutie Paratrooper from the Soul [Power] + 5k. Skill from Paratrooper I make Soul charge and call Ety [Power] + 5k. Now Ety's Skill: I call Miss Direction. Now I activate the Miss Direction skill and call Pleasure Caster." said Luna armed her strategy.

"No guard!" Tokoha responds, who already had four damages...

"Now I activate Milward's skill: Soul blast and call two units... Come Darkside Princess, and she gets [power] + 9k, while my Masquerade Bunny gets [power] + 4k." Luna was smiling.

"I see... As Darkside princess was called from the Soul gets + 5k, in addition Milward gave her + 4k. I will have to defend myself with all my hand." Tokoha thought.

"With the Paratrooper boost, Miss Direction attacks!" said Luna, who launched her attack on Tokoha's Vanguard.

"Intercept!" Tokoha blocked Luna's attack.

"Now Milward attacks!" Luna was attacking Tokoha again, but..."Generation Guard! Besides Guard!" Tokoha manages to block the attack.

"Triple Drive: Stand trigger! Everything to Miss Direction / Critical trigger! All to Darkside princess / Critical trigger! All to Darkside princess" Luna revealed a double critic that was necessary for his victory.

"Miss direction, attack again!" Luna made his third attack, but was stopped by Tokoha.

"Attack Darkside Pirncess!" Luna said making her last attack, but Tokoha didn't have enough to defend herself and put her last two cards in her damage zone causing her to lose the game.

To be Continued...

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