Turn 39: The Pirate Queen's Domain.

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The next day...

"Well, today is the first semi-final." Tokoha said. "Yes, I wonder if Shion and the rest will be too?" asked Chrono, but something catches his attention on that... "Tokoha." said Chrono, who touched Tokoha's shoulder.

"What happen?" she replies. "Look at that..." Chrono points for a small spot on the train.

"It can't be..." she reacted surprised. "They are Shion and Am."

"Don't bother them, Shion's probably nervous and I take the train to clear his mind." Chrono said, scratching the back of his head.

Turn 39: The Pirate Queen's Domain.

After both pairs arrive at the stadium, Shion noticed that Chrono and Tokoha were coming with them on the same train. Chrono wished his luck to His friend, who went to prepare for the fight.

"Well, I'm glad the four finalists have arrived. Next we will start the first semi-final." Ibuki said. "As for the second round of the semi-final, that will be given tomorrow to make the teams better prepared." he added.

After an intense battle between Hayo Henry and Verno Farenheart, where the famous model turned out with the victory, it was now Am's turn, but her opponent was the person who brought misfortune to her two friends.

"Well, it's time I kicked your ass for what you did to my friends." Am said who approached the stage.

"We'll see..." Miguel replies.

"Stand Up! Vanguard!"

"Well, idiots first." Am said, making Miguel bother.

"Ride! Water Lily Musketeer, Ruth. May Len moves." he answers.

"My turn. Ride! Fatal Shade moved Guile Shade and called the Tommy Brothers." said Am.

"That play is a little different than when she faced Verno." the young blond thought.

"Fatal Shade, Vanguard Attacks!" Am said, but Miguel did not defend himself.

"Drive check: no trigger..." replies am, revealing a grade two.

"Damage check: No trigger..." Fortunately for Am, Miguel hadn't revealed a trigger either.

"With the boost of the Tommy brothers, Guile shade...Attack your vanguard!" Am attack him again.

"No guard..." Miguel replies. "Oops! I got a Heal Trigger, I heal a damage and power to my Vanguard." Miguel adds, who healed a damage.

"Ride! Gentain Musketeer, Antero." Miguel called his grade two "with May Len's Boost, Antero attacks!"

"No guard!" Am replies, which makes Miguel smile. "Now, Antero skill: counter blast and stole a card."

"Only that?" ask Am.

"Drive check: Draw trigger! I take another card and more power for Antero." Miguel laughed.

"Damage check: Critical trigger..." said Am, who was preparing to start his counterattack.

"Ride! Maltreat shade. Maltreat shade attacks its vanguard!" said Am, who attacked with his grade two.

"No guard!" Miguel replied.

"Don't make fun of me! Guile Shade attacks!" Am attacking again, but... "Guard!" Miguel blocks the attack.

"Turn End..." said Am, who couldn't do it anymore.

"Ride! Lord of the Deep Forest, Master Wisteria. Besides... I call Antero and Ruth." Miguel, who almost filled his field.

"With the May Len boost, my Vanguard gets a skill, as he was boosted by a 'Neo nectar' unit he gets [Power] + 2k." he said laughing at Am.

"So that was his plan from the beginning..." thought the blue-haired. "No guard" she replies.

"Twin drive: No trigger / critic trigger! I criticize my vanguard and power Antero." Miguel said, while Am placed, two cards in his damage zone.

"Damage check: Stand trigger! [Stand] Tommy Brothers and power to my vanguard / Critical trigger! More power for my vanguard." added Am.

"Antero Attacks!" Miguel was attacking again, but... "Guard!" Am defends himself.

"It's time to navigate the stage... Ride! Vampire Princess of Starlight, Nightrose. Stride Generation! Pirate King, Bandit Rum. Nightrose skill: Counter blast and call Negrolazy. Skill of Negrolazy: I pay a Counter blast and call Fatal Shade and Colombard." said Am, who was attacking Miguel with Colombard.

"Generation Guard!" the blond defends himself.

"Now with the Fatal Shade boost, Bandit Rum, attack your vanguard." said Am, who now attacked with his vanguard.

"G Guard, Guard! And Intercept!" Miguel defended himself with a 46k shield.

"Triple Drive: No trigger (Sentinel) / Critical trigger, all for Negrolazzy / no trigger (a Nightrose)" Am was excited to see that his opponent had almost no cards to defend himself, so he attacked.

"No guard..." replies his opponent. "Damage check: no trigger" Miguel answers, leaving two more cards in his damage zone.

"Well... It's my turn, but the letters I call from my drop zone are gone." Am said before finishing his turn.

Miguel draws a card and starts laughing like crazy... "You're going to lose! First... Ride! White Clover Musketeer, Mia Reeta. Stride Generation! Now, Skill by Mia Reeta: I look at four cards on the top of the deck and call two to (RC) as long as they have a musketeer in their name. So I call Hannah and another Mia Reeta." said the young blond.

"You finished?" ask Am.

"I'm just beginning... Now I activate the Skill of May Len: and I look at four cards from the top..." it seems that luck was not on Miguel's side, since nothing went well. "Myra Aatca and put an end to this..." said Miguel.

"perfect guard!" defends Am. "I'm not done yet!" The young blond shouted.

But to his misfortune there were no tiggers. "Mia Reeta attacks!" Miguel was attacking again, but... "No Guard!" answer Am.

"Stride Generation! Come Negrosonger! I activate the Negrosonger skill: I look at four cards from the top, and hand one to my Drop zone. Then I pay a counter blast and discard a card to call Negrolazy. Now I activate the skill of Negrolazy: I call one unit with 'Hollow' and whom I call is Maltreat shade. I also call two Rampage Shade, and I activate the skill of one of them: he goes to the Soul and my Vanguard gets [Power] + 5k. " Am said to him.


"Get ready! Maltreat shade attack him!" said Am.

"Antero Intercepts!" Miguel defends himself.

"Negrosonger, it's your turn!" Am attacked again...

Miguel saw the cards in his hand, but unfortunately he only had 3 grades three 2 grades 2 and 1 grade one, so he had no other choice...

"No guard..." replied the young blond.

"Triple Drive: Critical trigger! Everything to my Vanguard / Stand trigger! [Stand] to Maltreat and [Power] to my Vanguard / Heal trigger I heal a damage and [Power] to my Vanguard." said Am, who, seeing that Miguel's sixth damage was a critical trigger, was announced as the winner of the match.

By beating Miguel, Am returns with his team... "I did, I hope Tokoha will thank me later," thought Am, as he smiled.

"Now it's all up to you," Am would tell Shion, smile at him and answer him. "I know, Chrono and Tokoha are likely to see us in the final"

But... Will Shion be able to beat Kazumi? Or Kazumi will prevent the young blonde from moving forward...

More in the next chapter... As this story will continue.

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