Turn 44: The Legends Vs New Generation!

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"Quick, Quick! I want to get started as soon as possible!" said Susugamori Ren.

"Who is this guy..." Kazuma was surprised... "Don't know who he is!" Naka's girls react annoyed.

Tokoha laughs at the girls' action, until she appears... "You should respect Ren-sama." Asaka complained.

"Well, who am I going to face Aichi-kun?" Ren asked, until... "I will be your opponent..." Kazuma said leaving everyone surprised...

Turn 44: The Legends Vs New Generation!

"Well, then let's get started boy." Ren replies. "My name is Shouji Kazuma." Added Kazuma...

"Kazuma... Kazu... Oh... Ma-kun. Well... Let's start Ma-kun." He said Ren, making Kazuma annoying.

"Stand Up!/'The'/ Vanguard."

"Why did he say 'The'..." thought Kazuma...

"Ride! Fighting Knight, Claudas. And I move David to the bottom (RC) circle." Ren moved his starter unit to the circle below to give more power to his unit.

My turn... Ride! Dragwizard, Knies. And I move Route to the (RC) below." Kazuma said... "With Rute's boost, Knies attacks Claudas."

"No guard" Ren responds.

"Drive check: Draw trigger! Knies gets +5k and stole a letter." Kazuma took the first card from the top of his deck and put it in his hand.

"Damage check: uhm... non-trigger" replies Ren, while putting a card in his Damage zone. "This guy seriously is going to take the fight seriously or I just missed my time?" asked Kazuma.

"My turn Ma-kun. Ride! Hoel and I'll call Swordbreaker. Now I activate the Skill of Swordbreaker: Soul blast and steal a card." Ren turned David's card and began his attack "With David's boost, Hoel attacks Knies."

"No guard" replies Kazuma.

"Booo... No trigger" replies Ren, who reveals a grade two during his Drive check.

"Ride! Dragwizard, Liafail. In addition... I call Swordbreaker and Howl Owl. I activate howl owl skill: go to my Soul and Swordbreaker gets +3k... In addition, Swordbreaker's Skill: Soul blast is activated and I draw a card." Kazuma said.

"Come on Ma-kun, give your best effort!" commented Ren, making Kauma upset... "No one calls me like that! Liafail Attack!" He added, who begins his attack with his vanguard.

"Ren's doing it again." Someone who came into the store... "It's the boy's fault for not concentrating." A blue-haired woman replied.

"No Guard." Ren said... "Drive check: Critical trigger! Criticical Liafail and power for Swordbreaker." Added Kazuma...

"That's two damages to me, right?" says Ren... "By the way, why are you get annoy, we're supposed to be having fun, don't wet?" adds Ren with a smile, which made Asaka faint.

"Swordbreaker, attack!" Kazuma was attacking with his last unit, but... "Guard!" Ren is defended... "Sorry boy, but I can't let this end yet." he adds.

"Turn End..." Kazuma said.

"Ride! Blaster dark 'Diablo' plus... I call Death feather Eagle." Ren calls his Avatar. "Get ready boy, this time I'm serious." Ren added, who as Blaster Dark attacked Kazuma.

"Guard!" Kazuma responds... "Very brave... Or maybe... No. Twin Drive: critical trigger! Power to Swordbreaker and critical to my vanguard/ Heal trigger! I'm powering Swordbreaker and I'm heal a damage." Ren said.

"Damage check: critical trigger... All for Liafail/ No trigger (grade 2)" Kauma puts his two cards in his damage zone... "I'm not done yet... Swordbreaker attacks!" added Ren, who attacked with his last unit.

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