Turn 41: Radical Change

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After the Victory of the Diffriders there are only two teams who left... Team Generation and Team Moonlight. But that morning...

"Chrono, you got up early?" was his Aunt Mikuru surprised.

"Oh yes... I don't want Tokoha and Kazuma bother because I fell asleep." replied the redhead. "Well, I'll just have some breakfast and go." he added.

"Do you think we can talk?" she asked.

"Sure, but... It will take a long?" replies Chrono "I don't want to keep Tokoha and Kazuma waiting."

"I'm getting married..." Mikuru says, the news caused Chrono to go against the wall because of the impression.

Turn 41: Radical Change

"What?" asks Chrono confused...

"I'm getting married." repeat Mikuru.

"Chrono!" a voice calls him outside, Chrono peeks out the window and sees Tokoha.

"See you Mikuru..." Chrono says leaving.

"But we're not finish." she replies.

"Sorry, I have a tournament to win, we can talk about it later?" adds Chrono trying to evade the subject.

"Good, and lucky." Mikuru replies as he sees Chrono leave.

"Something happens to you?" asks Tokoha, as she and Chrono walked to the stadium.

"No, I'm fine." the redhead replies.

"Your face says otherwise." says Tokoha, who sees Chrono directly in the face.

"I told you I'm fine!" he yells.

"When Chrono screams that way, it's because something must have happened to him." Tokoha thinks as Chrono goes his way.

The teams are already in the arena...

"Well, I'll go first." Luna said, thinking that Chrono would send Tokoha or that he would go...

"Well, remember that if you don't win..." Enishi said, but Luna interrupts him... "If I don't win, it's all over, I know and I'm aware of it."

"That's not what you meant, did you, Enishi-chi?" commented Kumi, who just watches as Luna goes to the center of the arena.

In the meantime with the Chrono team...

"I'll go, we promised Am we'd talk to Luna and that's what I'm going to do." says Chrono who was still a little distracted.

"Kazuma, you can go?" said Tokoha, who sat Chrono on the bench...

"Hey!" replies Chrono, who is annoyed by being ignored.

"Kazuma is also part of the team, plus for some reason you're not in a position to fight." Tokoha added, while Chrono crosses his arms and sits.

"I promise not to fail you, besides, we still have to defeat those..." Kazuma said, pointing to special seats where Team Ogre members were seated. After saying goodbye to his teammates, Kazuma goes to the center of the arena to face his opponent...

"Stand Up! Vanguard!"

"Pleasure Caster/ Dragprince, Rute"

"Ladies first..." Kazuma said, so Luna gets annoying and says... "You're going to regret it."

"Ride! Cutie Paratrooper and I move Pleasure Caster." She added by calling her first grade one.

"Ride! Dragwizard, Knies. Knies attack her Vanguard!" Kazuma was calling out his first attack.

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