Turn 43: Reflection!

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After finishing the fight Chrono and Enishi shake hands, and both redheads return to their teammates...

"Chrono..." Tokoha was coming to try to cheer him up, but... "I know I lost, you don't need to remind me." Chrono said, causing Tokoha to get upset.

"Excuse me for worrying about you..." said she quietly, Chrono realizes her attitude and says... "I'm going to get some fresh air."

At that moment Kazuma arrives, and he stumbles upon Chrono, but he doesn't say a word... Until he sees Tokoha. "I won't ask what happened, as I saw the result, but it's obvious that he's having a hard time." Kazuma said.

"But he doesn't have to yell at me that way either." Tokoha replied.

"Well, I think you're right about that..." Kazuma said, while he thought..."What could have happened to the idiot?"

"I'm going to talk to him." Tokoha said, but Kazuma stops her. "Did you forget... You're next! If you're going to talk to him, its ok, but do it after your fight." Add he, while Tokoha sighs and before he goes to the arena...

"We've solved a problem, now try to win for him and let's solve the problem of that idiot later. Kazuma added, referring to the problem they had with Luna.

"Ok, and thank you." Said Tokoha, who was approaching the arena... "We see each other again Tokoha-chan." said a very enjoyable voice.

"Kumi..." Tokoha responded with a somewhat depressive tone.

"Are you okay, Tokoha-chan?" asked Kumi when she saw her friend's face...

"Yeah, don't worry..." she responds. "I must win... And prove to Chrono that he can count on me when he needs it." Tokoha thought.

"Stand Up! Vanguard!"

"Battle Sister, Kipferl/Augury Maiden, Ida"

"Ride! Battle sister, Cocoa. Skill Cocoa: I look at the top card of my deck and put it in the bottom." Kumi places the letter he had taken out and puts it at the bottom of his deck. "I finish my turn..."

"Ride! Trust Maiden, Odette. With Ida's boost, Odette attack!" Tokoha made her first attack.

"No Guard" Her friend responds.

"Drive check: Heal trigger! Odette [Power] + 5k." Tokoha as Odette attacked Kumi's Vanguard.

"Damage check: No trigger (grade 1)" replied Kumi who was putting a grade one in his Damage zone.

"It's my turn. Ride! Battle sister, Crepe, in addition... Call! Battle sister, Rusk." Kumi called one more unit to bolster his attack.

"I must think of something... Or Kumi will beat me. Although she has improved quite a bit." Tokoha thought, while... "Crepe attacks!"

"No guard!" replies Tokoha as Kumi carried out his attack.

"Drive check: Critical trigger! The critical goes to my vanguard, and power to Rusk." Kumi said, while Tokoha put two cards in his damage zone. "Damage check: I critical trigger power to my vanguard/ No trigger (grade 1)" replies Tokoha.

"I still don't finish Tokoha-chan!" said Kumi... "I activate Rusk's Skill, when she attacks soul blast from a Battle sister and she gets + 3k." adding her, leaving her friend in three damages.

"Ride! Anelma... With Ida's boost, Anelma attacks!" Tokoha attacked Kumi, but... She realized something strange...

"No guard." she says, without defending herself from Tokoha's attack.

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