Turn 37: Sun, Sand and Diffriders Secrets

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After a difficult and very risky second stage, the four teams that reached the final were... Team Ogre, Team Generation, Team Fukuhara and to everyone's surprise Team Moonlight.

"Well... We did it well." Chrono commented, with a smile to raise the spirits of his teammates.

"Yeah, you're right" Tokoha showed a fake smile, so as not to worry others.

At that moment... A familiar face comes to say hello. "Hola mi amigo~"

"Jaime?" Chrono and Tokoha react surprised.

"It's time to pack your bags because we're going on a trip!" said Jaime, who pushes the three of them inside a bus.

Turn 37: Sun, Sand and Diffriders Secrets

Some hours later...

"What are we doing here?" Chrono asks when he and the rest of the Team Fukuhara, as well as Team Moonlight members, met them at the beach resort of the Soryu family.

"Well, I think it's time to relax." Jaime said, but... Chrono interrupts him... "Relax before the last stage?"

"Well, then I'll tell you why I brought you in. It's time to talk, it's time we brought the secrets of Team Ogre to light." Jaime answers to Chrono.

"The secrets of Team Ogre?" asks Shion, who like the rest he was surprised. Chrono looks at Ibuki, but suddenly Mamoru touches their shoulder... "It's time to tell us what you two are hiding."

"Yes, I promised you when we came to this place." Ibuki replies, while Chrono is still worried, on the other hand Luna passes her saliva and starts to worry...

"Everyone who is here is because they have had contact with Team Ogre, which we will call Diffriders from now on." Ibuki added.

Minutes after Chrono and Ibuki explained everything...

"Wait... They say that those of us here had a fight against the Diffriders, but... What about Luna, what she has to do with all this?" ask Am.

"Maybe you're right, but this video shows you're wrong." Ibuki replies to Am. Upon seeing the video, everyone is told that Luna was talking to someone... And when that person moved it was revealed that it was Miguel.

"Luna, please explain..." said Am, who saw her very seriously, but Luna didn't answer to her friend's request.

"Luna!" Am yells at her.

"What do you want me to tell you... He said that if I helped him get rid of the Chrono-san team I would let my team reach the final." she answers, which leaves everyone open-mouthed.

"Chrono, how long have you known about the Diffirders?" Tokoha asks the redhead.

"Remember when I met with Kamui and Aichi." Chrono responds, then Shion appears behind him.

"I see..." says Shion, who with Tokoha's help push Chrono into the water.

"Hey, it's not fair Tokoha." complained the redhead.

"I wouldn't have helped Shion if you had told me before." she answers

"But you told me to follow Ibuki's instructions remember?" said Chrono, who was trying to fend off the punishment of his friends...

"So you knew?" Shion asks Tokoha.

"Well, I knew something worried him and..." Shion didn't let Tokoha finish speaking, as he also pushed her into the water. "You two always give me problems." Shion replies, who goes to the sea and starts playing with his former teammates.

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