Chapter 1: A Script

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(Based of a Roleplay with VincentDiehl)

(Song For This Story: Clarity - Zedd)





Bendy rubbed his head as he fell to the floor, something had gotten in his way as he had been making his way back to the Art Department from the kitchen. He looked up to see Henry reaching down to help him back up, "You okay there buddy?" the man asked, setting him down on his feet.

"Yep!" he replied, leaping into Henry's arms as the man put them out for a cuddle.

Bendy purred happily, and the cartoonist chuckled "Well, aren't you just sweet" he exclaimed, rubbing his horns softly with his calloused fingers. Bendy enjoyed Henry's petting; it was comforting and kind. Unfortunately, it was about to be interrupted by his Creator.

Joey came walking up to them with a smile, he was without the wheelchair this morning and only just limping softly as he trailed down the hall from his office. Henry sighed at the bundle of papers in the man's hand. "New script, Henry, for the new cartoon" he said, setting it down atop Bendy's head. The demon grinned and held still, sticking out his tongue in a 'blep' motion.

Joey chuckled. "Get to work, Bendy. I expect you to be ready for filming in a few hours," he called out as he walked back to his office. Bendy sighed "He never gives me a break" He grumbled, pouting as Henry set him down on the floor.

"Want me to help you practice?" Henry asked, tucking his drawing pencil behind his ear. The ink demon took the papers off his head and shook his head as he scanned the words. "This one involves Boris, I need him" he said, his shoes click-clacking on the hardwood floors as he went to go find his Wolfish friend.

He stopped by Sammy's office on his mission. The man himself was working on something at his desk as he peered in, scribbling frantically on the pages with his ink pen, and deep in concentration. Bendy grinned evilly and blew a very loud raspberry, prompting Sammy to turn in his seat and glare at him as his pen slid across his neat work in fright. "BENDY!" he yelled, throwing his now ruined notebook at the door as the demon ran off. He snorted with laughter at his childish prank, knocking into Bertrum as the man was making his way to Joey to complain yet again.

The script in Bendy's hands went flying, causing quite a mess as they floated about. Bertrum growled "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" he snarled as Bendy hurried to collect all the papers together before someone stomped on them.

"Sorry Bertrum! Didn't see ya there!" he said, looking down at the messy bundle in his gloved fingers, they were all out of order. The ink demon looked up as the end of a broom nudged his leg, the bristles spiky and rough, "Heya Bendy! Hows it going?" Wally asked, a cheerful look in his eyes and a smile on his face as he looked down at the toon.

Bendy sighed and stood up "Fine thanks, Wally" he said with a grumble.

Stupid grumpy Bertrum.

Bendy waited till Bertrum had had his complaint rage of the day and had stormed out before he knocked on Joey's door for his turn. The man looked up from his desk tiredly and smiled, setting his pen down on the table. "Hey kiddo, what can I do ya for?"

Bendy held up the script pages "I uh, knocked into Bertrum and they went flying, can ya put them back in order for me, please?" he asked, setting them down on the desk. Joey reshuffled them to their correct places and handed it back. "There you go, quickly now, go practice! Times a wasting!" he said, tapping his watch.

Bendy returned to his 'find Boris' mission.


"BORIS!" he yelled, listening for a reply, but of course Boris never did answer, being mute had its draw backs. He searched all of Boris's 'haunts' and found him in the kitchen, chowing down on a few cans of Briar Label Bacon Soup. "Knew I'd find ya here old pal! Come on, we've got a script to practice, otherwise Joey won't be happy if we can't remember our lines" he said, tapping the papers in his hand. Boris shoveled yet another can into his mouth and blinked at him as if to say 'One more can? Please?'

Bendy sighed "One more!" he said, rolling his eyes as Boris grinned at him, Bendy was the only one who knew what he was thinking, he simply had to bat his pie cut eyes or tilt his head to the side and the ink demon would know instantly.

Boris ate his the last can and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, reaching for the script as Bendy held out to him.


Joey pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, Bendy! That is not the words! Try again!"

Bendy growled and tapped his foot with impatience, ignoring his creator as he glared at the script in his hands, it wasn't his fault he couldn't understand this sentence! "Just do as you're told! I don't have time for your fuck ups this afternoon!"

Bendy let the papers fall to the floor with a soft thunk and stormed off with a mad look on his face. Joey blinked in shock as he realized his star had left the room, "Oi! GET BACK HERE! WE'RE NOT DONE!" he screamed.

"GO FUCK YOURSELF, JOEY DREW!" Bendy screeched back, his fur ruffling angrily like a mad cat.

Sammy chuckled from his place behind the projector that Norman was tinkering with as he waited for his cue, he had never heard Bendy swear before; it was strangely satisfying. You could almost see steam coming out of Joey's ears as he raced after the stubborn demon. Bendy shrieked as he saw him and quickly melted through the walls before Joey could get too close.

"GET BACK HERE!" his Creator screamed, banging his fists against the wall he had left through.

Bendy quickly melted out the other side and hurried back to Henry for cuddles and comfort. The Cartoonist smiled and scooped him up "It's okay bud, I got you" he said, smoothing out the inky fur as the demon curled into him.

Joey could be nice, but most of the time he was a grumpy nasty man.

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