Chapter 2: Long Nights, No Sleep, And I Feel Like I'm Always Dreaming

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"Hungry?" Henry asked as he heard Bendy's stomach rumble loudly. Bendy nodded, uncurling himself from Henry's arms as he stretched.

"The standard?" was Henry's next question. Bendy nodded, it didn't matter what he ate, he couldn't taste it anyway.

The Cartoonist set him down on the floor and took his hand "Come in then, before Boris eats everything" he joked.

Bendy scoffed "He won't eat everything, will he?" okay, now he was worried, what if Boris did eat everything?

The kitchen was strangely lacking the wolf toon as they entered it, the familiar drip of the sink tap and the humming of the fridge the only noises. Henry picked Bendy up and set him on the bench as he liked watching him make food.

Bendy's standard was a drained can of Bacon soup between two slices of bread. Not much, but better than nothing. Being year five of the Great Depression meant everything was far too expensive. Yet the studio was thriving; kids loved the cartoons Joey Drew Studio's produced and so did most adults. The more popular they grew the more of an ego Joey built and the more everything was hurried along with the public's demands.

Henry wasn't even sure when he had last had fresh food. Linda always grew some veges in the garden back home, his mouth watered at the thought of crunching a carrot, he was so sick of Bacon soup.

But it was the only free stuff Joey allowed his staff, that and toilet paper, but you couldn't eat toilet paper.

Bendy chowed down on his lunch, innocent and unaware of the outside issues that bothered the human race.

Henry smiled "Good?" he asked,

Bendy shrugged "Wouldn't know, can't taste it"

"Is that why you eat my pencils?"

Bendy grinned. "They're crunchy."

"Yes, and expensive, Joeys told you to stop doing it"

Bendy grumbled, he wouldn't stop, he liked eating them.

Boris came in, sniffing about and whining when he saw Bendy with food in his hand.

Henry huffed "You want me to make you one too, Boris?"

Boris nodded and licked his muzzle as drool ran down his chin, he loooooved bacon soup.

Bendy finished his food and got down off the bench "I better go apologize to Joey..." he said, his sentence trailing off as he realized Joey would most likely be in a bad mood. Henry sighed as he watched him leave.


Joey was on the floor by his desk and didn't look thrilled at being there. "Joey?" Bendy called, knocking on the door. Joey turned his head "What do you want?" he growled. Bendy came in and stood not too far away from. "Are you okay?" he asked, a little concerned for his Creator.

Why was he on the floor?

Joey sat up carefully and leaned against his desk, wincing a little as his head spun. "I just...fell. I'm fine. Now I say again, what do you want you disobedient brat?" he snapped.

"I wanted to apologize for my earlier behavior," Bendy said nervously, scuffing the floor with his foot.

Joey heaved himself up by leaning on his desk. His legs were being useless today. "I see, shut the door," he said, sitting down at his desk.

Bendy did as he was told.


The small ink demon walked back to the Art Department, sitting down on his small camper bed in the corner as he reached Henry's area. The man looked up from his desk and smiled sadly as he noticed his inky son's black eye. "Are you alright?"

"Fine" Bendy grumbled. Sammy peered in "You sure?" he said, handing Henry some notes on drawing designs Dot had asked for her previous script she had written. Daniel was off sick today, so it was up to Sammy to be Joey's little errand boy, or in his case 'errand man'.

Bendy curled up on his bed. "I said I'm fine! Goodnight!"

Sammy gave Henry a sad look. "Goodnight, Bendy" he said, returning to the Music Department to catch up on his work. Bendy didn't get much sleep, but when he next awoke, Henry was slumped at his desk out cold and drooling on his work. He got out of bed and went for a walk instead, trailing the dark halls as he thought of something to do.

An idea popped into his head, Sammy was always complaining about the pipes, why not fix them? Everything he needed would be in Joey's office.

Joey was also slumped at his desk when he entered the office, snoring over his pile of paperwork as he came over to him. He reached out and opened the top drawer, digging around for what he wanted. Inside were many things, but what he was specifically looking for was the duct tape.

(A/N: Okay so it's 1935 and Duct Tape wasn't invented till 1942, but this is my story so who cares).

As he began to fix the broken leaking pipes, he could hear Sammy playing in his office. He often did a lot more work at these hours than he did during the actual work hours. Once he was done fixing up the worse of the leaks, he went over to the Music Department to listen better. The man was playing the violin, muttering notes under his breath and writing them down when he found a tune he liked. Bendy smiled and waved at him before going to sit on one of the bacon soup boxes in the corner.

"You're up late, can't sleep?" Sammy questioned.

Bendy shook his head.

Sammy put the violin up to his neck and played what he had written down, making sure it made sense. The Ink demon smiled and hummed along, swinging his legs back and forth as his head bobbed in time to the music.

Sammy smiled. "Do you like it?"

"Your best work yet!"

Sammy chuckled softly. "Thank you."

"Can you play me something else? I'm tired, and the radios kinda lame at these hours."

"Sure, any requests?"

Bendy tapped his chin "Something calming, please"

Sammy did as he was told and Bendy curled up atop the box as he listened.

Eventually his eyes slid shut, and he drifted off to the calming noise of Sammy's playing.


"Would you hold still!" Joey grumbled, trying to cover the bruise on Bendy's face with makeup. Bendy wriggled "Maybe if you hadn't punched me we wouldn't be in this mess!" he growled.

Henry watched with a sigh. "Everything going okay over there?" he called.

"Fine!" Bendy grumbled, yanking the make up from Joeys hand and doing it himself.

"Maybe if you had just done as you were told!" Joey scoffed.

"MAYBE IF YOU HADN'T MADE ME!" Bendy screeched. Joey's eyes widened as Bendy threw the make up at him.


Bendy ran up to Henry and the Cartoonist scooped him up as he sobbed.

Joey growled at everyone as they stared "Get back to work! All of ya!" he yelled, storming off.

Sammy frowned and followed after Joey. 

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