87 Years Later

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Bendy smiled at his students, all sitting there intently as they drank in his story. The bell rang as he finished up and yet the students didn't rush off as they usually did, "Mr Stein?" one asked, waving his hand at him.

Bendy nodded, "Yes Mr Jacob?"

"If your soul isn't Joey's anymore, wouldn't that mean all his traits, e.g. his smarts and stuff left too?"

Bendy frowned, Jacob was right, biologically that should have happened, "I'd assume so, but they didn't, yes Miss Jessica?" he asked, looking up at the girl in the back practically straining as she waved her hand furiously at him.

"My parents say you're not supposed to ask people their ages, but uh, how old are you?"

"Well, lets see, it's 2020, and I was created in 1933, you do the math." he said, waving them off to their next classes. The students picked up their backpacks and filed out, leaving him to set up for the next lesson. Instead of wiping off the whiteboard and getting out his lesson planner, he sat down in his seat behind his desk and sighed, picking up the coloured photo in the golden frame perched to the side.

It had been taken in 1940, and featured literally everyone he had ever loved, his friends and his family. Norman, Wally, Harry and John, Audrey, Linda, Henry, Sammy, Lewis and the other toons. Inky hugging them all tightly as he accidentally slobbered on poor Susie. He missed his family so much, because while he and the toons never aged,

His family did.

Henry hadn't been the same after the war, he had come back with severe PSTD and had night terrors that only calmed when Bendy was nearby, his purring soothing enough that Linda had gotten him a cat. But before the new pet had arrived he had spent many a night curled up in Henry's arms, wishing for his father back.

It had been tough, very tough, and not just on him, on all of them.

Audrey had grown up and married a nice man and had a family. They visited him sometimes, back at the house. Being an Uncle had been strangely fun, he would spoil his nephew and niece and Audrey would grump at him.

Thankfully, the kids had gained none of their mother's abilities.

Boris, Susie and Alice still lived with him back at the old Stein home, and he was thankful he still had the place. Henry had left it to him in his will and it was getting a bit run down but that was okay.

He looked up as a student knocked on the classroom door, "Mr Stein? Can we come in?" he asked, motioning to the room. Bendy nodded "Right, yes, lesson time" he said, setting the picture back down and standing up as the kids filtered in.

While he had suffered hardships and loss, and dealt with grief in all the worst ways, he was here, still here. Fighting for a better tomorrow and living his dream of teaching the kids of the future.

He looked at the time and smiled, tapping his desk, "Since this is the last class of the term who wants to watch cartoons?" The kids cheered, thankful they wouldn't have to do anymore learning for the year.

Bendy pulled an old reel out from his desk drawer and pushed the old film projector Norman had gifted him once upon a time over to the screen. The kids groaned, "What weird old cartoon are you making us watch anyway!?" a kid whined, taking out his phone just in case it was dumb.

Bendy flipped the switch, and the kids gaped as their teacher appeared on the white screen in black and white,


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