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"I'm NOT wearing that out Alexis. No way in HELL"

"You'd look so hot! Allysonnnn pleaseeee. It's one night. I promise you'll be okay. Just once please."

I roll my eyes and look at it again. "Its soo revealing though. I dont know if you remember or not but I wear hoodies. I have my bubble. This is way out of my comfort zone." I say holding up the dress.

"Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone Ally. It's just once. I promise you'll be okay. No one will even remember. They're all gonna be drunk anyway."

I look at it. Shes right. I have to get out of the comfort zone eventually. I roll my eyes. Here goes nothing. "Okay fine. Just this ONCE!"

She cheers and I go into my bathroom to put it on. When I come out she screams. "Oh my god allyyyyy you look so hot! Like damn. Didnt know it did that" she laughs

I laugh at her comments and look at her. "Girl where'd you get that dress. You look good"

"Its abby's" she responds. Abby is her older sister. I laugh. Shes gonna have a fit when she finds out alexis too that dress.

She does my makeup. Only light makeup I leave my hair down in slight curls. "Time to go!" She shouts excited. I take a deep breath. Am I really gonna do this.

And with that thought shes pulling my hand.

I look down one last time at the dress.

I look down one last time at the dress

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I sigh. Here goes nothing.

I look up at Alexis. She looks great.

"James better dick me down tonight

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"James better dick me down tonight." She says and makes me ugly laugh.

We get in the car and I drive us over to the party. I feel a weight on my chest and immediately regret coming.

I get out of the car and Alexis wraps her arm around mine. "You'll be good hottie. You look great. You've got this" she says as if shes reading my mind.

We walk into the party and I feel so out of place. I should be home reading my book or watching a show.

Next thing I know Alexis is gone. She must have found James. Fuck. I move to the kitchen and see Kairi. He looks WASTED.

"Oh hey Ally. I didnt take you for a party girl." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders and laughing.

"That's because I'm not. I came here for Alexis and I dont even know where she is."

He looks at me "You should come more often. You look great." He says smiling at me. "Have you seen Mattia anywhere?" He asks.

"No I haven't. If I'm honest hes probably off pounding someone." I say. Kairi laughs.

"Nah. He hasn't slept with anyone in like 2 months he apparently has his eyes on someone"

I give kairi a questioning look. He returns it with a 'I dont even know' look. I laugh and hes gone.

I look around. And I'm alone again. I pull out my phone and sit on the counter when I hear a familiar voice. "Ally? You go to parties?"

I look up. "I dont. This is the first one. I shouldn't be here. Parties are Alexis' thing" I say to Mattia.

"You look great" he says looking at my body. I cover it with my arms.

"I hate this dress. It's to revealing."

He walks closer standing in between my legs and grabbing both my thighs. "It looks good on you babygirl"

"Ew. Don't call me that." I say hopping off the counter. I start walking away when he grabs my wrist.

"I'm only messing with you. We should dance"

I look down. Yknow what, fuck it. Hes hot. Hes probably been drinking and he'll forget it tomorrow. "Sure" is respond. He slides his hand down and grabs mine leading me to the living room where everyone is dancing.

I start grinding on him while he has his hands on my hips guiding me. What has come over me? I think shocked that I'm doing this.

Soon the song ends and he turns me around looking me in my eyes. Were only centimeters apart and next thing I know his lips are on mine. I'm shocked at first but soon I just go along with it and kiss back. And for the first time ever I experience the butterflies everyone is always talking about.

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