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We get to the hospital and drop Hector off calling his mom. Hes not our problem anymore.

"I didnt mean to REALLY hurt him" Mattia says looking down.

"I know. It's okay. He had it coming" I say holding his hand and walking out of the hospital.

"I just get angry sometime yknow"

"Really Mattia, it's okay. He'll be fine. He had a steady pulse and his mom will be here for him in no time."

"I love you" he says pulling me closer.

"£○\/€ you too" I say smiling at him.

It's been a long week. Nothing is going as planned. Everything keeps going wrong. The only thing right in my life right now is Mattia.

As I get in his car I feel 1. Emotionally drained. 2. Hungry. And 3. Actually tired.

"Can we get something to eat?"

"Yeah, where you wanna go?"

"Taco bell" I say resting my head on the window

"You'll be okay baby." Mattia stays grabbing my thigh and driving to taco bell. "Do you wanna go in?"

"No, I wanna go home"

So he drives through the drive thru. Ordering our food and taking me home.

I get upstairs. Lay in my bed and eat. Drained. Annoyed. And honestly kind of pissed. What the hell was going through his head when he hit me. What the hell was going through my dad's head when he was honestly just being a piece of shit. Fuck both of them.

I finish my food. Flopping onto my back. Ready to sleep. Mattia, on the other hand not being on the same page as me. He pulls me ontop of him. Kissing me slowly. "I'm sorry you're having a bad week" he says kissing me again. Faster this time. "I hope it gets better"

~skip sex scene because I cant write it~

I lay next to him. Cuddling him tight. Falling asleep on his chest. Grateful to have him when I need him the most.

Mattias POV

I look down at her. Sound asleep. She doesnt deserve it. If anyone deserves all the things shes going through, shes not the one.

I dont know how to help her. I dont know how I can make things better for her mental health, I want to help her more than anything. I dont want her to feel bad or sad. I especially dont want her feeling insecure around me.

A/n I think I might end this book soon. Would you guys want a sequel? What would you want in the sequel? I'm taking any ideas if you have them.

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