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The final bell rings and I couldn't be more excited to get out of this stupid ass school.

I get to my car and see alexis standing by it on her phone. Was I mad she just ditched me at lunch? Yes. Was I hurt that James is more important than me? Yes. Was this a first time? No.

"Hey Ally. Can I come over tonight?"

"No Lex sorry. Mattia is coming over later I have a lot of homework and I need to clean before my mom gets back from her work trip Wednesday. I'm just busy"

"Since when did Mattia just go over to your house? And you're seriously choosing a guy over me?"

"Really Alexis? You choose a guy over me all the time. I can pretty much guarentee that you only want to come over right now because you want to borrow my clothes for your date with James. I'm not in the mood to have you over right now Alexis."

"Oh, but you're in the mood to have Mattia over? You're in the mood to clean and do homework? You're just not in the mood for me?"

"Mattia pretty much invited himself over and since hes coming I'm probably gonna make him help me clean anyway."

"You're being such a bitch Allyson. You're my bestfriend. I should be able to go to your damn house. But whatever. Unlike you I socialize and have other people who would be thrilled to help me get ready for my date and not be jealous about how I have a boyfriend and they don't"

"I'm not jealous that you have a fucking boyfriend Alexis. I don't care. And that was a low place for you to get. I'm gonna go home now. I might talk to you tomorrow but I don't really know. You said I'm being a bitch but I didn't say anything bad about you. You say I can't go over to your house more than you say I can. You always have plans with James and choose him over me so I dont even wanna hear it. Bye Alexis."

I get in my car. I back out of the parking lot and turn my head and see Alexis with Layla her friend. I feel a hot tear roll down my face. Me and Alexis only fight like once every few month and usually it's nothing serious like that.

I drive home and pull into my parking spot. I get out and my phone starts ringing. I pick it up.


"Hey Allyson"

"Oh hey Allan."

"Wanna hangout tonight? I'm free"

"I actually have a lot going on and I already had plans with someone. My bad. Maybe tomorrow night?"

"Sounds good. Who's the lucky winner of Allyson tonight?"

"Homework, cleaning and Mattia"

"Cool cool. Tell Mattia I said hi"

"Will do. You have a good night. See you tomorrow." And with that I hang up.

5:00 rolls around and I've made it through the majority of my homework. I hear my phone go off so I look at it. A text from Mattia.

I'm at in n out. Want anything?

Uh. Just bring me the same thing you're having

Okay be there in ten

I throw my phone on my bed and go to my closet to change into more comfortable clothes. I decide on a pajama set I got from Alexis on Christmas.

 I decide on a pajama set I got from Alexis on Christmas

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It's cute. I'm insecure in it. But it's cute and I'm comfortable so I don't really give a shit. Mattia wanted to come over so he gets to se me comfortable and insecure.

I hear a knock on the door and I open it.

"Hey" I say taking the bags from his hands and walking to the kitchen.

"You look hot"

My cheeks get hot. "Thank you"

He just smiles and we eat our burgers and fries in silence.

"What're we gonna do tonight Ally" he says flopping on the couch next to me.

"I don't know I need to clean but I'm not in the mood."

"How about we watch movies." He says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.

"I like that idea" I said smiling and grabbing the remote. "What do you wanna watch?"

"How about Toy Story?"

"You're a child Mattian but sure."

I click the movie and stand up to get blankets. "Wait where are you going" he says grabbing my hand.

"To get us blankets." I say with a smile.

"Okay" he says pulling my body down and pecking my lips before letting me go.

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