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I wake up to my mother ripping open my curtains and yelling at me to walk up. Thank you mom, really.

I look at my alarm clock and see that it's only 7 on a Saturday morning. "Mom whyyyy"

"We have to go shopping dumby"

"No, I'm not going. I want to stay home. Please."

"Allyson I told you about this 2 weeks ago your sisters birthday is soon and we havent gotten her anything."

"I ordered my gift online. Itll be here by Monday. Now will you please leave so I can sleep"

"Dont talk to me like that Allyson. I love though. Sorry to wake you."

I smile as she hugs me and leaves. I'm up. Theres no getting me back to sleep so instead I grab my laptop and do some of my homework.

After about an hour and a half of slaving myself to get my Trig, English and Spanish homework done I hear my phone go off.

I pull it off of the charger and look at the message

When you want me to come over?

Fuck, I forgot about Mattia. He can't come over today. I'm not ready to see him. Not after what happened last night.

I'm really busy today. Maybe sometime next wee before friday?

Don't lie to me. I know you aren't actually doing anything. I'll meet you at your house @ 10.

Yeah okay.

I look up from my phone. Fuckkk. I look at the time. 8:30. Well I did sleep with the kid. I might as well look good when he comes over. Who am I kidding I never look good. I walk to my closet. I can at least try to look okay. I pick out a black cropped tank top black leggings and a black and white kappa jacket that I got from Alexis for Christmas 2 years ago that I've never worn.

 I pick out a black cropped tank top black leggings and a black and white kappa jacket that I got from Alexis for Christmas 2 years ago that I've never worn

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I just put my hair in a messy bun that I spent way to much time trying to make look good. Once I'm okay with the results of my hair I put on some mascara and clear lip gloss.

When I'm done getting ready I look at the time. 9:30. It really took me that long to get ready and I'm not even leaving the house. Smh. I walk downstairs and get everything me and Mattia will need for this project.

By then its already 9:45 so I just grab an apple and eat it while I wait for Mattia to come over.

I'm sitting on the couch watching tiktoks when I hear the doorbell ring. Fuck. Okay. I can go a few ways. I can act confident. I can pretend it didnt happen. Or be super awkward.

And option one it is.

I open the door and look at him standing there. So tall. Hot. The things he did to me. I. Holy hell.

"He Ally. Let's do this project then." He says. He knows I'm staring.

"Duh, that's what you came over for isn't it?"

"I wouldn't say that's the only reason but sure." He says winking at me. And the fucking butterflies are back.

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