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I walk into the school and head straight to the cafeteria like usual. I see Alexis and she immediately smiles.

"Soooo howd it go?" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"How'd what go?" I say pretending to be completely lost.

Her face drops. "You know EXACLTY what I am talking about"

"It was so good. He was so nice. He took me to the cutest restaurant and got out outside seats. Reserved outside seats. Then he took me to this cliff with the most beautiful view. He said it's somewhere him Kairi and Alejandro like to go to. Then when he took me home I kissed him." I said with a smile never leaving my face.

"Wow. That's so cute" she says smiling at me.

Mattias POV

"I dont know guys. Shes just so...nice, respectful. Beautiful. I've barely starting spending any time with her but when shes not around I want her to be. I sound like a sappy weirdo right now but guys. Last night was something special. It was fun. It felt so easy. Relaxed. Like it was something that I was meant to do with her." I say looking up.

"Shes hot" alejandro laughs.

"You should spend more time with her then dude. Shes seems cool and seems to be making you happy so get to know her. Then, ask her out" Kairi responds to me.

I just look back down and go on my phone. Hes right. I need to spend more time with her. She fucking gave me butterflies last night. Butterflies. Like that's never happened before. It was wierd but I never wanted it to end.

The bell rings and I feel a small smile form on my lips knowing that I have my first class with Allyson.

I walk in and see that Jenna is talking to her. That's wierd. They've never talked before. I sit next to her. "Hey" I say smiling at her and sitting next to her as Jenna walks off.

She doesn't respond. Just looks forward with her arms crossed.

"Are you okay?" I say scooting closer to her. All I want is to be close to her.

"Get away from me Mattia" she says angrily.

"What. What did I do?"

"Just leave me alone."

"No fuck that. I'm not leaving you alone I like you Allyson. You aren't going to push me away after how well last night went. I want to talk to you. Alot. So, what did I do wrong. I need to know so I can fix it."

Then the bell rings and she doesnt say anything. The class dragged on. It seems like forever and she didn't say one word to me. Not one word.

The bell rings signaling the end of class. She walks out fast. But not fast enough. I catch up to her and grab her wrist turning her around.

"What do you want Mattia. Why dont you just go bug Jenna about your problems."

"What are you talking about Allyson"

"I know you went over there last night after our date."

"Is that what she told you?" I say laughing.

"This isn't fucking funny Mattia"

"I didnt go to her house Ally. You're the only girl other than my mom that I saw last night."

"How am I supposed to believe you? It wouldnt be the first time"

"This is how" i say showing her a video I saved on my phone last night after our date. I was laying in my room singing a song.

She looks up and I can tell she feels bad for not believing me before.

"I don't want to hurt you Ally. I havent gone to Jenna's since the day after the party. I promise. Shes not the girl I'm into, you are."

A/n okay so I wrote this on my lunch break today so for a celebration for hitting 1k reads I'm going to put up 2 chapters today. I'll write and post the other one after school .

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