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"Isn't this a little much?" I ask when we make eye contact.

He looks around at all the decorations he put up. "No, I dont think so" he says chuckling and pulling me close by my waist.

"It looks like we're having a whole ass child birthday party" I say laughing.

"Good. Opens your presents" he says grabbing my hand and walking me to the table with 5 individually wrapped gifts. Toy story wrapping paper.

I smile up at him. "They dont need to be opened in any specific order" he says

I grab the biggest one first. It's a big box filled with snacks, a blanket and movies. The next is a picture frame with 4 different pictures me and Mattia have taken together. He got me a pink and blue champion hoodie that I've been wanting.

"The last 2 are my favorite" he says smiling.

The first one is a ring with a rose on it. I smile putting it in.

The second is a necklace with and M charm.

I feel my eyes water up. "You really didnt need to get me all of this." I say looking up at him.

"I wanted to, I love you"

"I love you more" I say standing up and hugging him. "Put this on" I say handing him the necklace and turning around pulling my hair out of the way.

"You're so pretty Allyson" he says turning me around after he got the necklace on. "I dont deserve you" he whispers kissing me.

"I dont know what I'd do without you" I say wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head on his chest.

We stand like that for 5 minutes when my phone rings. I look and see its hector calling.

"Way to ruin the moment hector" he says laughing. I smile at him and shove his shoulder.

"Hello" I say putting it on speaker because I'm to lazy to hold it up to my ear.

"Hey, where are you right now?"

"With Mattia"

"I have your gift if you wanna come get it"

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna bring Mattia with me though"

"Okay see you soon beautiful"

"Back the fuck off with the pet names dude" mattia says irritated.

"My bad bro" hector says hanging up.

"Do we really have to go see him?" Mattia asks rolling his eyes

"Itll only be 10 minutes" I say kissing him.

"Why the hell is he giving you pet names?"

"I dont know. I dont like it" I respond starting to take down the decorations.

"I swear if he tries anything with you I'll cut his fucking head off." Mattia says grabbing the rest of the decorations.

"Even if he tried anything, you're the one I want to be with" I say grabbing his hand and walking to my car.

"Promise to tell me if he tries anything?" He asks

"I promise." I say holding up my pinky. "He did call me babygirl earlier." I say looking at mattia

"Hes gross" Mattia responds wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "You're mine. He can chill the fuck out"

We get in my car and pull up at Hectors house. I knock on the door with mattia standing behind me hand on my waist holding me close.

Hector answers the door smiling at me. I can feel the tension between him and Mattia. "So where's the gift?" I say trying to speed this up.

"Over here. Follow me" he says walking into the house with me and Mattia behind him.

At the table theres a gift bag for me. I open and see that he got me vans. They were ones that I used to always take when he lived here. "Thank you hector." I say smiling. He goes in for a hug and when I hug him I see mattia giving him the nastiest look.

I pull away.

"Me and Mattia gotta go to Alexis'. I'll see you later" I smile and wave walking out of the door relieved that situation is finally over.

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