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It's been about an hour since Mattia came over and we've done about half of our project. I look up and see him already staring back at me. "I'm bored Allyson"

"Then go hangout with your friends. We can finish this another time. Its not due until friday." I say walking to my couch.

"I had a better idea." He says walking up to me and leaning down to my face level. Only centimeters from my lips.

"Oh yeah? What's tha-" I start to say before the door slams open and Mattia and I quickly separate from eachother. And I walk to the door

Alexis comes in yelling "YOU SLEPT WITH MATTIA"


"Finallyyyyyyy bitchh." She says hugging me. She hasn't noticed that Mattia is here. "Sooo how was it. Is he big is he small. I need the details Allyson"

"How do you even know" I question.

"Well James told me that Mattia was talking to Alejandro about it last night after we left the party." She says.

I turn around so fast. "YOU TOLD PEOPLE" I say walking to him. Alexis finally noticed he was here.

"Only Alejandro I swear. People must have been eavesdropping" he says putting his hands up in defense.

"Oh my god Ally HES HERE!!"

"Yes alexis. We have a project together. But he was about to leave" I say turning around. I feel him place one hand on my hip. Somehow doing it without Alexis seeing.

"Well James is out in the car waiting for my so we can go on our date so I'll see you later Ally" she says pulling me into a hug making mattias hand immediately fall from my hip.

"Love you Lex see you later" I say as she walk out the front door closing it.

I feel Mattia grab my waist and spin me around. I'm so close to him that our chests are touching. "So, that's your bestfriend?"

"Shes my only friend if I'm honest."

"I always see her with James on the weekend and at school. You're never around on the weekends with them. What do you do?"

"I don't really like 3rd wheeling to a couple on the weekend so usually I just stay home. Do homework. Watch shows. Read."

"But, you were literally at a party last night."

"Yeah and it was the first one I've ever been to. And probably the last. I was so out of place."

"You didn't seem out of place when you were letting me take your virginity."

"Uh well. You were drunk. And I never do anything like that so I just figured why not. It was only one night."

"I wasn't drunk. I was the designated driver. I didn't have anything to drink."

"Why? Why me? You're Mattia. Any girl at our school would kill to have you. So why me? I'm nothing special."

"Because you're you. You're beautiful and smart and shit like. You seem to have a large personality but you never let anyone in for long enough to see it. Except of course Alexis. But even then you seem to let her over rule your personality and take away your spotlight. You seem to be so insecure but really you're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. So, tell me. Why are you so quiet? So insecure." He says looking at me. Still holding me. Observing me.

"I wasnt expecting to be attacked like that. But, I dont know. I guess it's just easier to let alexis be the loud out going one. I'm quiet. I enjoy being at home. Reading, watching shows. I dont want to be loud. I don't want everyone to notice me. I like how I am now."

"Allyson, you deserve to be seen. You're amazing. I'm glad I can see you. I'm glad I'm here with you. Because you're kinda super cool" he says making me blush.

"Thanks" is all I could get out before his lips were on mine again. And the butterflies were in my stomach again.

A/N: hi so um I figured this story would be a flop and I figured it'd get like 2 views a chapter but it's getting more than thatI'm thankful for everyone who is here reading this like I love you guys and I hope you're enjoying this. Sorry for this late ass update schools kicking my ass but ill get back on schedule asap

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