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I roll out of bed. My head hurts, my body is week and I feel sick to my stomach. Not to mention the obnoxious breaking out on my face. I run to the bathroom throwing up. Cleaning myself up and walking to put shoes on. My period? A week late. My sanity? Gone.

Am I scared I'm pregnant? I little. And am I gonna pick up a test and pray that my 17 year old self is not pregnant. You bet your ass.

My moms off at work again. For a month. Mattia and his family are out of town until tomorrow, monday.

I grab the car keys. Walking to my car in sweats and a hoodie. To lazy to give a hell how I look. When I get to the store I walk straight to the food aisle. Buying all the snacks I've been craving lately. Then walking to the aisle with pregnancy test. Scared to even buy them. I grab 3 different kinds. I have to be sure.

Walking to the register paying I get dirty looks from the old bitch cashier as she rings up my pregnancy tests. Fuck her.

I get home. Drinking a full cup of water chugging it. I take the tests one after another. Waiting to look at the results all at once.

I place back and forth in the bathroom scared. I call Alexis. I want her to be here for this.

"Hey Allyyy.  What's up?"

"I need you to come over for my moral support, I'll explain everything when you get here." I say looking over and the bathroom counter. The tests sitting there. Ready.

"Okay I'll be there soon b" she says hanging up. I walk downstairs pacing in the kitchen waiting for her.

"Hey what's up" she asks walking into the kitchen looking at me.

"I think I might be pregnant. The tests are upstairs, results ready. I'm scared. I needed you here to look at them with me."

"Let's go then girl" she says grabbing my hand and leading me to the bathroom.  "I'll grab one, you look at the other two" she says grabbing the one farthest left. I nod taking a deep breathe.

I grab the other two breathing deeply again.

"I'll give us a countdown" she says "3...2...1"

I flip the tests. My jaw drops my hand covering my mouth. A single tear falling from each eye.

"How am I gonna tell Mattia?" I say looking up at her.

"I think he'll be excited."

"What if he leaves me?"

"He wont, I know he wont"

She hugs me "How do you feel? I'm excited if you are." She says looking at me.

" I dont know, I mean, Me and Mattia have always talked about having kids. I just never thought I'd be 17. Hed be 16 almost 17. But, also, I'm grateful. This is scary but I think we'll get through it, together. I'm excited. But scared. But like, excited. I dont know."

"Next, we find a way to tell Mattia. A good way" she smiles looking at me.

A/n sorry if this isn't the way yall wanted this to go, but I'm kinda excited about this story again sooo

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