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"You're a piece of SHIT Hector. She has a fucking boyfriend. You cant go around kissing TAKEN girls." Mattia says fuming.

"I'd kiss her again" hector says with a smirk crossing his arms and shrugging his shoulders.

The next thing I see is Mattia practically fly across the room. His fist making contact with Hectors eye. I flinch standing up.

"Mattia stop. He's not worth it! My mom is home!" I shout grabbing his arm. Hector takes this opportunity to try and hit Mattia, a failed attempt because he hit directly under his chin.

"He kissed you Allyson! You're mine and he kissed you" Mattia says hitting him repeatedly.

"Baby he's. not. worth. it." I say pulling him finally getting him off of hector, who now looks like a mess bleeding on my floor.

"Go downstairs, into the guest room and I'll get your hands cleaned up after I get hector out" I say trying to keep my cool. Mattia nods walking out.

I help hector up and walk to the bathroom with him behind me. I get him a wet cloth.

"You need to go. Go clean yourself up. Dont, I dont care but you need to go." I say walking past him and down the stairs to the guest bathroom. The front door slamming shut.

I get into the room and see mattia sitting on the bed looking down. The front door opens again. Please dont be my dad. I sit next to Mattia and wrap my arms around him.

"I'm sorry I hurt him, I took it too far. It's just I just, he kissed you. I dont want anyone kissing you." He says resting his head on mine.

"Dont apologize. I love you."

We lay there for a good 2 minutes in silence when Alexis and Allan open the door coming in. "What happened to Hectors face?" Alexis says sitting next to me.

"Mattia beat the shit out of him" I say sitting up. "Weve got to clean his hands up, but you guys can go to my room. Stay in here. Talk to my mom, I dont care but we'll be out soon." They nod.

I help walk with Mattia to the bathroom. Cleaning his hands. Theres a bruise forming in each knuckle, but that's as bad as it was. He didnt break his hand or anything.

We walk into the living room. And there he is. Sitting on the couch. 4 years. I take a deep breath and blink. Hes really here.

"Pumkin. Long time no see." He says standing walking towards me. Coming in for a hug. I walk to the kitchen. I'm not ready to hug him. I dont think I'll ever be ready to hug him. Mattia follows me to the kitchen. Where allan Alexis and my mom are all sitting at the table. My mom stands hugging me.

"Itll be okay baby. Deep breathes." She whispers in me ear sitting back down Mattia sits next to me. The open seat between my mom and Allan the only one left for my dad

He walks in patting Mattias back "I dont really know who you are, but can you move so I can sit next to my daughter?" He says.

"Dad theres a seat over there. I want Mattia to stay right here. Next to me." I say looking at him.

He looks me dead in the eyes. "Whatever Allyson" he says annoyed walking to the other side defeated.

Mattia puts his hand on my thigh giving me an 'it'll be okay' nod.

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