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As I open the door Hector runs up to me. "Can I come with?" He asks rubbing my back.

"Uhm" I say looking at Mattia. Hes glaring at Hectors hand.

"Nah bro me and Ally can do this alone." Mattia says looking at him. Grabbing my hand and pulling me away from Hector.

"Lex invited me over" hector says crossing his arms.

"Then you can get yourself there." Mattia says wrapping his arms around me.

"Look dude I'm just trying to save gas and money."

"Look dude I want to spend this time alone with MY girlfriend"

"Dude whatever." Hector says rolling his eyes and scoffing.

Mattias grip on me tightening. "Okay we're gonna go. See you around Hector"

"I cant stand him" Mattia says closing his door.

"I know baby, I know" I say grabbing his hand.

"Hes so flirty with you. I hate it" he looks at me.

"Dont let him get the best of you Tia"

"I love you Allyson" he pulls my in giving me a quick peck.

"I love you too" with that I drive to Alexis'

"Babygirlllll" alexis says running to my car. Mattia laughs at her. Glad hes not in a shitty mood.

"Hi again Lex" I says smiling at her.

"Okay so you're gift is inside in my room but you have to close your eyes because I forgot to wrap it." She says

I laugh at her and get out of the car Mattia following behind me.

When I get to Alexis' door she wraps her hand over my eyes opening the door.

"Are you ready?" She says laughing.

"Yes lex." I say laughing back at her.

She uncovered my eyes and I immediately bust out laughing. "ALEXIS" I say slapping her arm.

Mattia looks into the room "A chair shaped like a penis? Classy" he says laughing too.

"I'm just kidding that's not your real gift."

She goes in her closet and pulls out a box with clothes and perfumes.

"Thank you Lex. I love you" I say hugging her.

"Wheres the bathroom Alexis?" Mattia asks.

"Down the hall to the left." She says.

"Hes so weird around Hector Alexis. Hes gets defensive and protective." I say when I know hes gone.

"I'm telling you Allyson, he probably just feels insecure about you being friends with a guy. And rightfully so, Hector is a huge fucking flirt. He always has been."

I just nod. Shes right. But it's just annoying. He doesnt need to be defensive. Mattia>>>Hector.

A/n hey whores. I love you guys. I also am in love with Mattia and hector.


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